I sent Lance a pleading look. Understanding immediately, he reached into his pocket and pulled out three dollars. He handed it to the impatient lunch lady and Kat nearly sunk with embarassment.

"Th-thank you," she muttered before taking off for our table.

Lance and I paid for our mozarella sticks before joining her. "Kat, why'd you run off?"

She sunk under my gaze. I hated that we had the ability to do that to her. She was so fragile.

When I realized she wasn't going to reply, I continued on. "I mean, I force Lance to pay for my lunch all the time." That was a lie. Lance hadn't been to the same school as me in like..well..ever. Kat didn't need to know that though. She just had to be comfortable with us.

"Really?" She squeaked.

I elbowed Lance under the table. "Yeah really," he agreed. "She's a fricken' gold digger."

Kat eased up a little at that and eventually we all found our way into a steady conversation. We talked about the places we wanted to travel and the places we had been. Of course, all I had to offer was that I had been to Chicago, Illinois and Milwaukee, Wisconsin. Kat was intrigued by that though so I told her about it.

"Chicago was awesome. The art museum there was amazing and the whole general atmosphere is just..awesome."

"Great description," Lance muttered sarcastically under his breath.

I glared at him as I continued. "Milwaukee was well..not as awesome. I mean, it was basic..normal. There were some pretty sights though. Their art museum is really pretty. They shot some scenes from Transformers 3 there which was pretty awesome."

Kat began grinning. "You've been to the set of a movie?"

I chuckled a little. "No. I've been to the place where they shot a couple scenes from a movie. This was after they shot there. I only found out from one of the locals. He seemed really syked about it."

"That's awesome!" I had noticed that Kat was stuttering and freezing up a lot less since we all started talking. I decided not to comment though. I just smiled and tried to keep our constant chatter going to make her more comfortable with me and Lance.

About halfway through lunch, Liam's crew of friends..plus a few straggler females (cough cough, school sluts) finally made their entrance into the cafeteria. I thought Liam would at least come speak to me, but instead, he put his arm over Sadie Pierce and kept on going to their table. The few straggler girls hurried off to get in line. I assumed they were getting the guys' lunches.

I didn't realize I was glaring in their direction until I heard Lance chuckling quietly beside me.

"Jealous, Mack?"

I turned my glare onto him. "What's there to be jealous of? Girls that can't even keep their underwear on for five minutes?" 

The words I had just said dawned on me as Lance began laughing.

"Shut up," I growled.

Lance chuckled. "Oddly enough, jealousy looks really hot on you."

I rolled my eyes and tried to return my attention to Kat. Maybe she could help me out a little. 

She immediately turned her head away though. I frowned. "What's wrong, Kat?"

She shook her head. "N-nothing."

There went that stuttering again. "Kat," I called out steadily.

Her head snapped up toward me, her eyes flashing a quick spurt of anger. "It's nothing, Mackenzie!"

I felt Lance freeze up beside me. I'm not going to lie, I did too. Kat just snapped. It probably wouldn't be a good idea to make a bigger deal out of it so I tried to relax again. "Sorry," I muttered.

The old Kat returned just as quickly as it had gone. "I-it's fine, Kenzie."

The rest of lunch was pretty tense, but we muscled through it. I barely even looked over at Liam's table. Lie. Sadie had her hands all over him the whole time.I barely resisted the urge to go over there and snatch her little red hair off her little ugly head on her little chubby shoulders. 

Okay, I get it. That last one made no sense but none of my thoughts made sense when it came to Liam. He was a weak point for me.

After lunch, Lance and I walked Kat to her locker then proceeded on to his locker. I had kind of moved into his locker earlier. It was closer to all my classes than mine was. While we were there, Liam and Clark walked by. 

Liam didn't stop to acknowledge me.

I have to admit that hurt. But instead of showing it, I pushed through it, engaging in conversation with Lance and trying to laugh it off. I think Lance noticed my slight change, but being the great best friend he is, he said nothing about it. God, I appreciated that.

After my last hour, I headed to Lance's locker. 


I nearly jumped out of my skin as I slammed the locker shut. I spun around to face Kace. "The hell? I nearly crapped myself!"

His blue eyes sparkled as he laughed. "You should've seen the look on your face," he chocked out between laughter.

I glared at him. "Yeah yeah, haha."

He stopped laughing a few moments later after realizing just how not funny it was to me. "What's the matter, Kenzie?"

I sighed and locked our arms, dragging him down the hall to meet up with Lance outside. "A lot," I muttered.

Author's Note: Sorry it took so long and sorry it kinda has nothing going on. I kind of have writers block with this story right now and I know I had to update sooner rather than later so.......Here it is!

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