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We didn't say anything after what Jeongin had stated. Just sat in silence while I contacted a few last people who could help with our problem.

It was oddly weird that my father didn't say anything to me lately. He would always be the first to know when our company wasn't going well.

After a while, we expected Minho to enter the room but saw Seungmin instead.

"Hey Hyunjin, I have tried to block every complaint but it's getting out of hand. Also, here's something you may want to see..."

As he handed me the paper, I already expected what was now confirmed.

"So he worked for my dad first, huh?"

A silent nod from our lawyer.

"Do you not run background checks on your workers?"

Even though I felt like that was a valid question, the fact that it came from Jeongin irritated me. Maybe that wasn't the case but he saw me fail and my father was brought up again.

I could never escape him.

"Great, really great. Jeongin, I have capable people who hire my workers. Did I personally hire you or something?"

"Apparently not capable enough if they fucked this up."

"Clearly, because I don't understand why Seungmin would hire someone like you."

He pressed his lips together, forming a thin line. God, this headache was killing me.

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