oh fuck

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I sat in the corner of the café Changbin used to work at while I was waiting for him to arrive. He took longer than expected and I was going to take Jeongin out on a date today.

When we ate together, it didn't matter if people saw me with him. The general public didn't care that much about me and they also just assumed he would be a friend of mine. Which was different when we went out with Chunghee. I didn't want to cause any unnecessary uproar, especially with my father almost cutting me off. As much as I didn't want it to be true, I wasn't as independent as I thought I was.

So now I was left wondering why Changbin showed up late and right as I was about to call him, he opened the doors. There he stood, panting with his eyes wide open. When he finally spotted me, his face dropped.

Even though he was sweaty, my friend held me tight as he came up to me.

"Hyunjin, I am so sorry. I tried convincing him but you know how stubborn he is."

"What do you mean? Did you run here?"

"He saw you. Someone posted pictures of you and Jeongin kissing. I assume it was Han Jisung's doing but that's besides the point. Your father is furious and wants to talk to you."

Oh fuck.

rich # hyuninNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ