💙 THE LEFT PATH (Part 2) 💙

Start from the beginning

"Are you up already? "

The baby just happily reached out it's hands as if wanting to be held. (Y/N) obliged and picked it up in her arms.

"Aww, aren't you an adorable! ~"

(Y/N) played around the the baby until she noticed something. She never named it. She mentally slapped herself for a brief second before putting down the child in front of her.

"Huh, I really should give you name. "-she spoke while thinking.

And then the woman remembered. She never checked what the baby's gender even was. (Y/N) didn't knew almost anything about this child, especially considering she was in a short coma of sort.

" Ok, let me just see very quick- Ok, yeah, that's a boy. "

The child just happy smiled and cheered in its baby manner. Now (Y/N) had to think here. What was she gonna name it? She had now realized that she really never actually thought anything of this sort. But her mind kept roaming around names, ideas, everything! It's was exiting!

"How about...(C/N)? I think it suits you! "

Of course the baby couldn't really respond to her but she still decided to go with it.

"Ok (C/N) , how about you go get some more sleep, eh? You do have to sleep to get strong."

(C/N) looked at her for a second before yawning.

"I would take that as an yes "

(Y/N) smiled as she put the little being to bed. It was surprisingly fast. Nakuri had told her it took him hours... huh? He must be very, very bad at it.

This day actually was not completely terrible...

A sound of a door cracking open interrupted her thoughts. Turning around she was met with the familiar face of her one and only mom. Nakuri.

"(Y/N). "

"Yes, Nakuri? "

"Everyone is getting ready to leave. I thought I would let you know. "

"I'm coming, I'm coming... Don't worry, you won't go anywhere without so much as a " bye". Neither will Kayn. "

Nakuri looked at her with a look of surprise and confusion as if she said something wrong.

"What do you mean? I'm not going. "

"What? What do you mean? "

"Yes. You heard me. "

" B-but why?"

"Hm? Isn't it good? You won't be lonely now. "

"No- I -I mean yes but, Zed wouldn't just let you sit here just because "you don't wanna go. So... how? "

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