Killua has sat himself on his assigned seat which contrasts everyone's. The heir's place consists of: a luxurious wooden table, engraved with ancient alphabet reading, recommence; a velvet cushion traditionally woven with a rare beasts fur, and was preserved for decades. These are used from the past successions of their bloodline.

The family is present in the area where the ceremony will be taking place, and the members wore their own traditional clothing for the occasion. 

Killua wore a gray traditional Japanese male clothing, it's sleeves reaching his wrist. It is made with exclusive, rare fabrics that can be only found in private auctions. This certain item was purchased by Kikyo and Silva from the previous auction - the bid reaching 27.4k¥

Despite the over the top price, for him it felt uncomfortable and couldn't wait to get rid of it soon.  

Killua waited. Some of the family members' presence is testing his patience. The male's calm facade conceals his apprehension about your state. 

'Did she get out safely with Gon?' he asked himself repeatedly. He lifted his gaze, only to meet Alluka's reassuring ones on her table. 

Alluka was disheartened to witness her brother do the unimaginable. Both of them never wanted this, and it's unfathomable yet upsetting for her that she and Killua may not experience freedom ever again. 

Killua felt dispirited at the sight of her. Once everything is over, he's planning on apologizing to her although he's aware that she may not possibly forgive him, and have to regain her trust again.

 'Please wait for big brother, Alluka. I'll make sure we'll get out of here.' 

Then a few moments later, the clock finally hits twelve. "Let's commence." 

"Requested by Master Silva himself, prior to the commencement of the very succession. We hereby announce Atlas to be demoted from his now former position." 

This is what Killua least expected. He found this unfathomable, and his stern eyes landed on Silva's. 

His father seemed unfazed, although Killua knew Silva is pleased of what is occuring.

"This is absurd!" 

Killua was throwing daggers at Silva, in which the old man exchanged with his effortless intimidating gaze. 

"There is no such thing as absurd as long as I have the title." Silva angrily retorted. 

Killua heaved a small sigh, and resigned from the uprising tension. He sat there quietly, his one hand suspiciously fishing something out of his sleeve. 

Silva resumed his speech, "To elucidate the matter behind his sudden demotion, an outsider invaded our territory, and attempted to cease this one-of-a-kind occasion."

"Atlas, has approached me, for he voluntarily atone for the said intruders misdemeanor." Silva added. 

Killua tensed up at what he had heard. Behind his unbothered facade, he's in utter disbelief. 'Atlas, you stupid fck.' he cursed mentally. How can he be selfless at times like this?

Killua stealthily and successfully replaced the item, and casually slid the original inkpad beneath the cushion he's sitting on. 

Silva sat down after finishing his words, then it was the host's turn to speak. 

Just before the guy could even get the chance to converse about what Atlas is about to face. Killua aggressively pounded the exquisite table with his fist, creating a loud bang that was too loud, to the point it silenced the room and created a very odd tension. 

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