"Then why do you want to leave?" That's a good question.

"Karrion..look, I don't want to leave. But I have to. Leo will come after everyone and everything I care about and unfortunately, that now includes you."

"I can take care of myself!" He yelled angrily. He got up and started pacing like a mad man.

"And if he can't get to you, he'll get to the people you love. Karrion, look at what he did to Franco. I don't want that to happen to you."

"So what you're telling me is that you're going to go back to him?"

"I have to. It's what's probably best for everyone. I should've never gone this deep in our involvement and for that, I'm sorry Karrion." He had his back turned to me. I was hurting too! I wanted to stay too! But I can't. Leo has controlled me for years and he doesn't plan to stop now.

"I'll call the pilot and you can leave before the sun comes up." After that, there was nothing to be said. The drive home was silent. He said nothing and I said nothing. After we got back, he went for a meeting and I went to bed.

Later that night, I woke up when I heard a strange sound in the next room.

"Karrion.." I reached out to wake him but he wasn't there. His side of the bed was still made which meant that he never came to bed. I got out of bed, wore my lingerie robe and went outside to check what was going on and where he was. His personal guards were right outside the door of the next room which meant that he was in there.

"Can you move?" I asked one of the guards when he pretended to not see me.

"We have strict orders not to let anyone in."

"Go in and tell him that I want to see him. It's urgent."

"He told us not to go in under any circumstance. Not even if the manor was on fire." So this is what he's playing at. Silent treatment huh? I smiled and returned to the room. Sion stopped by before I went to bed and told me that my flight back to Italy would be by 4am and as I looked at my phone, it was 3:30am. I went in, took a shower, got dressed and basically packed the essentials and everything I came here with. I didn't bother packing the clothes that he bought for me. I sat down and waited. Hoping that maybe he would come see me before I left but nothing.

"Ms. Kane, it's time." Sion said as he entered the room. I carried my handbag and left the room.

"Where's Karrion?" I asked Sion as we entered the elevator.

"He's busy." That's not even an answer but the message was definitely received. I turned to look at the manor that had become a new home to me, one last time before I entered the car and there he was. Standing and looking at me through the highest window but then, he just turned and left. I pushed all thoughts about him away and got into the car. The roads were almost empty and it was dark. Sion was very quiet during the ride to the hangar.

When we got there, he escorted me into the jet and instead of leaving as we were about to takeoff, he got comfortable.

"Wait, you're coming with me?" I asked as I also got comfortable.



"Boss' orders." Of course. He can command someone to do it but he can't even say goodbye?!

"Ok." I said awkwardly as I leaned into my chair. Sion was seated right opposite me and I had never been so uncomfortable. He wasn't reading anything except the occasional text that he would send after receiving one but other than that, nothing. "Do you ever speak?" I asked when the boredom became too much for me to deal with.

"I could ask you the same thing."

"You've said three things to me since I met you."

"And I only talk to Karrion and the boys. I don't know you. You're a stranger and one who apparently has no emotions." Wow! I see that he also has some unresolved issues.

"Excuse me?"

"You heard me clearly. I don't say much to people who I don't know but Karrion and I go way back. I will say what he won't. He's hurting and that's all your fault. He saved you from Leonardo De Lucci and this is your way of thanking him?" He was calm but he was still crossing the line.

"What happened between Karrion and I is none of your business."

"Yeah. Yet, I'm the one stuck on a three hour flight with you."

"Feel free to jump out." I got up and went to the room. I locked myself in and just stayed there. Why can't they both understand why I'm doing this?! Franco needs me and unfortunately, I need to go through Leo. Karrion should understand me! Maybe, just maybe I can try to get back to Karrion once I sort out Franco.

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