RJ Omegaverse (part 2)

Start from the beginning

Cash: Mike, welcome!

Mike: Hey there Cash *both shake their hands*

Cash: Hi Ricky *ruffles his hair a little bit*

Ricky: *giggles* H-hi Mr. Caswell

EJ: come one Ricky, let's go to my room and play! *takes Ricky by the hand*

Ricky was still not used to EJ grabbing him by the hand, so he, once again, blushed furiously, but was smiling since he liked what he felt in his tummy, same goes for EJ when he took Ricky's hand.

Cash: *laughs* they definitely wanted to see each other again *turns to Mike* do you want a cup of coffee?

Mike: if it's not too much trouble

Cash: not at all *walks to the kitchen with Mike*

The day went by, Ricky and EJ were having the time of their lives, while Mike spent the day talking with EJ's parents to get to know them a bit better. The time for Mike and Ricky arrived, and although EJ and Ricky didn't want Ricky to leave, Mike had to pull-out the "school is tomorrow" card, and Ricky knew it was true, since the school year started the very next day, so they both started to walk out the door, when all of a sudden...

EJ: WAIT! *goes running towards his room*

Everyone stared confused as EJ went back to his room, and as he came back his parents noticed he was holding something very special to him in his back

EJ: Here *hands it to Ricky* I want you to have my teddy bear! *says smiling*

Ricky: *surprised by this* W-what? *looks to EJ*

EJ: it's so a part of me is with you on the days we don't see each other! *still holding the bear*

Ricky: B-but it's yours EJ, I-I can't accept it *tries to push it back into EJ*

EJ: sure you can, righ Mike? *says looking at the adult*

Mike: I mean, it is a gift from EJ, Ricky, but are you sure you want to give it to him EJ?

EJ: *nods* it's just something in case Ricky feels alone when playing!

Mike: *smiles* in that case, Ricky *looks to him* it's ok if you take it with you

Ricky was still doubting since he felt he would take something away from EJ, but after looking at EJ, then his father, and then the teddy bear, he slowly reached out for it and grabbed it, and soon after looking it in his hands, he hugged it tightly

Ricky: Thanks EJ, it's really soft!

EJ: I know, the best thing is that you can name it, I couldn't think of a name for him, but maybe you can!

Ricky was surpsised about this, and looked at the teddy bear again, the bear was of a brown color, had some red sneakers on, and a pair of glasses, and after looking at it for a bit, Ricky then said...

Ricky: Franklin! I'm gonna call him Franklin! *says excited*

Mike: *chuckles* ok bud, now let's go cause you still need to go to sleep

Ricky: *yawns* ok dad, bye EJ *hugs him*

EJ: bye Ricky *as he breaks the hug, he leaves another kiss on Ricky's cheek*

Ricky once again blushed furiously, and looked like a tomato, after that Mike and Ricky finally left the Caswell residence, with Mike saying that they'll see each other some other day.

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