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The whole world vanished. It disappeared and all I felt was emptiness. It was a dream. Surely it was a dream? Something inside me retaliated. This was all a big mistake. I called Dad. I called him again and again and still no answer. The anxiety grew until I was shaking all over. No, no-no-no. There was only one way to rid me of this nightmare, I had to get to the hospital and fast.

I raced through doors, nurses tried to stop me, but I didn't see them. I didn't see anything until I reached the emergency wing. I expected to see her smiling at me. That reassuring, happy grin, which I knew like the back of my hand and yet she wasn't there. Her face was non-existent. Something was underneath the blanket. It couldn't be her. It just couldn't and then I heard a noise. A faint sobbing sound. I span around to see my father curled up in the corner.

"Dad," I choked.

He looked up and stared at me. His face looked like it was crumbling. Like every feature was slowly disintegrating with each sob. I still couldn't believe it. I felt no sympathy. I simply felt angered that he sat there crying while my mother was somewhere... somewhere...

I turned and walked over to the covered corpse. It wasn't her, I knew it wasn't her.

A steady voice spoke behind me and held my arm.

"I wouldn't if I was you."

"Don't touch me!!" I hissed and started hurling myself at these strangers, taking away the covered figure.

"Let me see!"

"I'm sorry but if you're not a relative you must leave."

I escaped his grasp and lunged towards the sheets. Just as they were about to take her away, I managed to lift the material. It happened again. Everything disappeared and I was lost completely. Her face was bloodied and the once pink cheeks were an evil green colour. A noise emerged from my throat, a small insignificant sound. It might have been a gasp. I couldn't tell. I couldn't think. Losing my footing, I fell to the ground. Like my father, I felt my insides crumble but I couldn't cry. I felt nothing, nothing at all, every part of me was gone with my beautiful mother. I was simply a body lying on the cold floor, trying to find reason.

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