Berdly- Unwanted Competition

Start from the beginning

"Hi Devon," you greeted, though a bit warily. There was nothing particularly worrisome about him, but you were wary just because he was new. He had shown up at school one day out of the blue, and joined the class, so you didn't know him really yet. Seeing how shy and uncomfortable he looked, you didn't want to make him feel worse by saying something wrong... thus your own unease.

"Erm... Yeah, that's me. Hi," he replied quietly, peeking over at you from the corner of his eyes. He held out a hand towards you, which you gladly shook.

"You have warm hands," you pointed out.

He blushed a bit, lifted his head away from his book and shyly scratching behind one of his ears. "I-I do?" he asked.

You smiled, giggling a little. "Yeah, silly." Now that you both felt less tense and awkward around each other, you took out the assignment paper. "Looks like we need to make a scene from the book we're reading... somehow," you said, reading over the page.

Devon nodded. "Mm. I was thinking..."

"Huh?" you asked, looking up at him. He was nervously rubbing his neck now.

"Well, you see, I uh... I'm really good at making... dioramas," he admitted, sounding a little embarrassed about that. "So... I was hoping... If it's okay... Um..."

"Yeah, we could totally make a diorama!" you exclaimed excitedly, clapping your hands together. "In fact, I think I have this old poster in my room that has just the background we could use for that part in Chapter 17!"

Devon looked genuinely excited, straightening a bit from his hunched over position. He was already fairly tall, but the better posture made him even more so. "Ooh! And I have a bunch of clay at home! We could sculpt it into the characters!"

"That's a great idea!"

The two of you began eagerly chatting away about the project, but Berdly was watching you both from his desk. He squeezed his pencil in his fist, grunting a bit as he tried to break it. When it didn't, he angrily grabbed both ends of it and slammed the middle of the pencil on the desk corner. That finally made it snap in half like a twig.

Temmie didn't even flinch from where she sat at his desk, just looking up at him. "... Tem thinks-"

"No, I do not need to calm down," Berdly told her in frustration. "Can't you see what's happening? Because Y/N isn't working with me for this group project, they're going to get to work with that new guy! They are going to find him cool and attractive and then they're going to say..." 

He put his hands on his cheeks, batting his eyes as some attempt to impersonate you. "Oh Devon~! You're so handsome and smart and strong! Forget whatever that bird's name is... what is it... Burghley or something? Yeah, forget him! Let's be study buddies FOR LIFE!" He buried his face in his hands. "Him and Y/N then will get married and have a bunch of kids, while I get left alone at the bachelor party!" he wailed.

Temmie opened her mouth, then closed it with a cute smile still on her face as always. "Tem thinks you're overthinking a bit," she said.

"Temmie, you'll have to take over the project," Berdly told her dramatically, imagining himself decked out in a suit of armor like a knight as he posed with one foot on his chair heroically. "I have to go save Y/N from that horrible beast who is going to take my friend away from me!"

"Are you sure Y/N is just your frien-?" Temmie was shut up when Berdly shoved his papers into her hands.

"If I don't make it back... Tell Y/N I... I..." His expression blanked for a moment, then his face flushed as his confidence dropped in an instant. His posture sagged as he dragged himself towards you and Devon. "Tell them I want to still be friends..."

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