Spamton- Little Flower

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Requested by: _Lemon__Cherry_

(Dang it, ya'll have found my weakness- Nah I'm joking but legit I love this smol trash goblin too much- 😂) Thanks for the request! :D PREPARE TO HOP ON THE FEELS TRAIN, CHOO CHOO- And onto the story!


You looked around your flower shop proudly, placing your hands on your hips. Beads of water sparkled from the vibrant flower petals in the white light of the store. It was much harder to keep flowers maintained and alive in the Dark World, but as a Lightner who wasn't fond of the Lightner world, you were dead set on making this work.

It had taken a lot of tries, but now you had a set up that worked.

The biggest problem was that the Dark World having no sun was a pain. Flowers, of course, couldn't grow without sunlight. So instead, you had to rig up the best fake sun you could. Being someone with seasonal depression, you had to usually keep the lights on quite brightly in the winter. In fact, you had bought a special kind of bright lamp just for that, which was where the idea of using a similar tactic in the Dark World came from.

You looked towards the bag of dead, rotting, or just not great looking flowers you had accumulated off to the side. Well, all that's left to do is get rid of these, you thought to yourself with an internal sigh. Even if they were just flowers, it still made you a bit sad they didn't reach their full potential... or had to die after looking so lovely a couple days before.

You pushed the metal back door open, which screeched in complaint as it did everyday. You rested your body against it to hold it open, just to go silent when you heard some rustling. There he is again... you thought to yourself. Ever since you had opened your flower shop, you had seen glimpses of a small man lurking around the back alleyway behind your shop. Most people would be quite alarmed at this, but he wasn't causing trouble, so you let him be. 

You gazed down at the bag of rotted flowers in consideration, then set the heavy bag against the door to keep it open as you returned inside. You came back to the back door with a couple nice yellow tulips and a bubblegum pink rose you had become quite fond of. Carefully, you stuck the stems into the garbage bag so the lovely colors could pop out. There! you thought proudly, smiling a bit to yourself. 

Rubbing your hands together for some extra grip, you heaved the garbage bag up again. I'm certain he's rummaging through the bags I put out here for whatever reason, so he might as well get a nice surprise, you figured, carrying the bag over to the full garbage bin and setting it down along beside it. With your foot still holding the door open, you returned back inside with the door shrieking behind you again.

This day of this week was exceptionally slow business. A couple Darkeners at least typically would stop by a day (one rare time including a buff fellow in red saying he was there to get some flowers by orders of the queen, to your shock and amazement), and yet this one day was a ghost town in the shop.

A ghost town of lovely, colorful flowers.

So, bored out of your skull with nothing more to do, you decided to head out back to watch and see if you could get a glimpse of the strange guy who kept visiting the back of your shop. He clearly seemed to be skittish, since he never clearly showed up when you were around, so you ducked down behind the side of the building and peered around the corner as you watched and waited.

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