"What happened?" He asks and grabs his cell phone from the top self of the locker.

"It just..." some guy from my past who's memory is torturing me, "it just a customer." I lie instead. It's not his problem to take, it's mine and I'm dealing with it, not so well but I'm doing my best.

"We should do something fun, what do you think? You know to get your mind off." He kindly suggests.

"I don't know..." I say. I don't have the energy or desire to anything.

"What about a movie date- I...I mean n- night, a movie night with me and you and maybe Nora or Landon wanna join." He shutters.

"I...." Movie date-night seems fun. It will get my mind off of him, though that never seems to work. I'd never success to get rid of him out of my mind, it'll take whole life to do that.

"Stop over thinking it, it'll be fun," Robert says and I get remind of him yet again, he used to say it too that I overthink a lot. "So I'll be at your place at nine. Okay?" He raises his brow.

"S-Sure, I guess." I shrug.

"Okay then, see you soon." He waves at me and gets out from the restaurant, couple second later I do too.


"Tessa!" Nora calls me from the kitchen. Putting down my notes on the desk I stand up from my chair and walk into the kitchen, finding her and the counter full of cake and cupcakes too. "Sorry to disturb you but can you help me?" She sweetly requests.

"Sure, what you want me to do?" I go over to the other side of counter to help her.

"Can you put the cakes inside the box? I'm already fucking late for the party?" she points out at the two different types of cake and two boxes of the counter.

"Yeah, where were you going?" I put the one cake inside the box carefully, followed by another.

"My sister's house. They're having my dear nephew's one year birthday party and I'm fucking late." She sounds frantic. I love her admiration towards her baby nephew even though she hates her sister, she loves her nephew so much.

"You'll be on time." I tell and wrap the ribbons around the boxes.

"Hope so. We'll we out the whole night so don't wait for us." She tells and finishes her icing on the cupcakes and put them inside the boxes too. "These are for you." She slides me a plate full of cupcakes.


"Landon! Come on grab this." She instructs him when he comes out from his room. The doorbell rings and Nora groans, "Now who the fuck that would be?"

"It's Robert." I almost forget about him and I are going to watch movie in my apartment.

"Ah. A Date." She gives me a smug smile.

"No, nothing like that. It's just a movie night." I tell, my tone is very uninterested.

"Shore." She wiggles her brows.

"Now go or you'll be late." I dismiss them and walk to answer the door.

"Oh yeah. Bye." Her and Landon get out apartment before Robert gets in. "Have fun you two," Nora yells at us before stepping inside the elevator.

"Hey." Robert greets when I close the front door.

"Hey. They went to a party." I tell him before he even asks.

"So we're to ourselves then," he says when we move in from the hallway. I sense something in his tone but nothing bad that warning my bell.

"Yeah, pretty much." I sigh. "Wanna drink or eat? Nora made some cupcakes if you want to try." I ask as we get inside the kitchen.

"Sure." I pass the plate full of cupcakes and grabbing one he takes a bite. "What flavor is it?" He asks after he swallows the content down his throat.

"Onion and fig." I tell, grabbing one for mine.

"It's good but it's a weird combination to make a sweet cupcake when the ingredients are like this," he says taking another bite.

Yeah, the combination of Onion and figs sounds disgusting at first but let me tell you Nora makes them less disgusting and more edible cupcakes using them.

"It's yummy though," we both finishes of one and he grabs another one but instead of eating he lifts it up and smears it on my face. "Happy Birthday." He chuckles.

"It's not my birthday, Robert." I can barely open my eyes because of the frosting is all over my face.

"I'm wishing you early."

"Seventeen days early?" I scoop the frosting away from my eyes and look at him.

"Yeah." He shrugs and break into laughter. "Look at you face."

"Ha-ha, very funny," I try give him a serious look but watching him laugh I join him too. It's a childish act to throw cakes on someone's face but I kinda needed that, speeding time and teasing eachother between friends, yeah I needed that.

"I'm going to wash my face now," I tell him.

"Yeah, you should." He eats the cupcake of his hand well without the frosting because it's on face face now. Taking some icing with my fingers from my face I dart into his face but he grabs my wrist before it touches his skin. "No, no you won't."

"Why not you did that to me," I force and he leans back, away from my finger covered frosting.

"I'm sorry I won't do it away, I promise. Please Tessa." He pleas, closing his eyes and gripping my wrist firmly.

"Good," I laugh and I take aback when he looses his grip.

"Now go, I'll set something to watch for us," he politely instructs.

Before I get out from the kitchen I smear the icing on my finger on his nose when he wasn't paying attention. "Tessa!" He shouts.

I run towards the bathroom to wash my face before he throws another cake on my face.

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