"Tonic will be on guard with Marcello. Pascal is staying with Legardo, he's going to be okay, he just needs some time to heal. As far as the kids-"

"Bring them here." Verando tells Lotta firmly. "I can't.. I just can't have everyone spaced out like this. It's driving me mad. Gardo's children, bring them here with Darrius and Xavier. I want Stefan and Leo as well, twenty-four-hour surveillance, constant rotation of six hours shifts. We can not afford anyone to be reckless. Send me Tiberius when you find him, I'm sure he's in hiding from Tyr, he's answering his phone but not long enough to track him."

Lotta nods, jotting down the notes, she knows better than to test him when he's like this. "I'll have Ron bring them."

"I need tabs on Helen, Echo and Kestrel. Establish a perimeter and keep them out of it, do not allow them back into this city while this is going on."

Lotta raises her eyebrows, "A perimeter? Are we going to war?"

Stiff, he rolls his shoulders, "Prepare for the worst, darling. No one goes in and out of this ring without me knowing about it, everything from identification to scans for magic must be accounted for. I don't need another shape shifter attempting to get in here, no press, send out word that I'm on holiday and leave it at that. Any elemental attempting to get within fifty miles of this house is to be shot on sight. Do you understand?"

Lotta had her course moments, she could be strong willed and opinionated, but she was a woman who understand the consequences of poor management and loose ends. Most of all, she respected the retired dictator. "We are going to get through this. Tell me what you need, I'll do my best to keep my people out of your way. Ron is running interference for the press and I've already put an order to move some of the Dead City unit here for extra protection while Caspian's elementals are at large."

"Thank you, Lotta." Verando exhales, running a hand through his hair as he moves past the flurry of men shuffling past. "For the love of the gods." He reels himself in, resting his hands on the counter top in an attempt to ground the mounting anxiety. 

I knew him to well, war had scalded us both, while he thrived in the belly of battle, he struggled with the lack of control. We did not own this hodgepodge army and the rules were different now. Our lives were in the hands of those who made calls based on laws and not truth, it was why he wanted our community brought here. 

He would protect us, just as I would make sure to protect him. I make my way over to him, carefully touching his arm.

"Nic." The sigh of relief makes my shoulders relax just slightly as he wraps his arms around me. Burying his nose in my hair, I slip my arms around him to cling to the strong form. I memorize every inch of him, trying to erase the image of the thin young man from my mind. Taking in my scent, he holds me impossibly close only to freeze when he spots my tag along. The rumble in his chest causes me to tighten my grip, holding him together.

"Randy, this is-"

"Delilah." She extends her hand. He makes no move to shake it, wrinkling his nose slightly as he glances her up and down as he angles me slightly away. My timing couldn't have been worse for introducing him to a new member, the poor girl might have been safer in the half way house. Retracting her pale hand, she clears her throat as she wraps her arms around herself. "Nic, this was a bad idea."

Releasing my husband, he grips my arm, refusing to let me out of his immediate proximity. "Randy, Delilah helped me. She helped me when I was lost, she helped me find-" I hesitate as his eyes catch mine, warning me not to reveal anything in front of the outsider. "Can I speak to you? Alone?"

Appologizing to Delilah, I take his arm and guide him through the living room onto the back porch. 

The cool air was refreshing on my overcharged skin, still coming down from the enhancer, I rub my temple absently as I attempt to gather my thoughts. When I realize it's too quiet, I see him braced as he stands, watching me.

Ascension - Book Eight - Man x ManWhere stories live. Discover now