Epilogue: Sunny College 5

Start from the beginning

The students began shuddering while the devils looked like they wanted popcorn and the Angel's hugged each other.

"I began feeling sluggish, and something brushed my back, but when I turned, there was nothing there. There was no paintings, or lights behind me, only a wall that couldn't have possibly been there, all I could do was walk forward... The end." She winked and Jace almost screamed.

"No way! You can't end it like that! That is totally unfair!" He pouted and Elos shrugged.

Sulfus glared at him, "It's her story, she can do what she wants."

The girl sat down next to her friend and blew a kiss to her boyfriend, which she never does, and Sulfus's face turned a bright shade of pink as he looked away from her.

The right went on and the kids began growing tired, falling asleep next to their friends. Sulfus yawned while waving Elos over and she said a quick "g'night" to her friend before making her way to her partner's side. She was too sleepy to think about being mad and rested her head on his chest while he wrapped his arms around her.

Everyone was resting just fine when four phones when off at once, then eight, then nine. All the eternals' phones were ringing it it was loud and annoying. The weirdest part was that they all turned their phones off before coming to the theater, to the terrestrials began to panic, even more so when the lights shut off.

Everyone ran to the doors which were either locked, or blocked, and that freaked everyone out even more. Well, except for Elos, who had pulled Sulfus aside.

"Hey, Kabale is getting a little... Out of place, don't you think? This little prank of hers went a little too far and I dunno, I think she's more into you that you think." She gripped his arm. "And I don't like it."

Sulfus smirked, "Is that why you've been so annoyed with me?"

Elos snapped. "Is now really the- ugh... Sulfus, if you can't shut that girl down, we need to rethink things in this relationship." She let go of him and just before he could say anything the lights turned back on and the devil in question was laughing with Andrew on the stage.

Elos folded her arms, if she were less of a person she'd glare, but at this point it wasn't worth it. She went toward the stage with the others and Sulfus right behind her, trying to talk but getting nowhere. He's managed to upset Elos twice within a week, it's a new record, especially since Elos is fairly laid back at home.

The students kind of argued among themselves, then something awful happened, Jennifer fell into a sink hole. Andrew was more than ready to go after her, but Sulfus stopped him, and Raf directed the terrestrials to stay in the dressing room just in case.

Once they were gone, the celestials returned to their original form and went into the tunnel after Jennifer, with Urie and Cabiria leading the way.

The tunnel lead to a large cavern with all sorts of strange trinkets, and a door that was hardly being kept closed by a magic lock. The wind that was coming from the door was almost enough to break it down.

Jennifer was found, but was stuck to a ledge by a spider's web, and Elos tried to make sense of it all but her questions were answered by the appearance of Tyco.

Tyco was the fallen angel they had seen in one of Reina's plots. It was the one plot that made Elos become a devil, and Raf and Sulfus.... Seeing him hits a very sore spot for her and Raf gripped her shoulder, knowingly.

Elos looked at her, then shook her head. "Don't.... Just... Don't. Okay?"

Raf pulled her hand back, nodding.

If it wasn't enough that they had to face an enraged ancient fallen angel, they had to do so while making sure Jennifer didn't fall.

Elos isn't exactly built for combat, so she did her best to keep her friends from getting hurt. She couldn't help wondering why Tyco was doing what he was doing. Where was Tyco's partner, and what exactly was behind that door? The wind felt familiar, the sigh of deception came from it, she guessed, but why was it locked?

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