Chapter 9 - Arrival

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Shadow Pov:

I fell asleap, but before I was totally asleap, I swear I felt something touch my cheek. like a kiss.


I woke up a few hours later. I held my head.
Something happened before I went to sleep.

I couldn't remember what it was, so I just gave up on trying to remember.

I walked over to the fire, and grabbed some twigs. I threw them on the still warm embers. I then grabbed the two stones and hit them together, causing a spark.

The dry sticks ignited, and eventually grew bigger. I threw bigger logs in the fire to keep it going. I reached over for the food bag. It wasn't there.

Oh, right, the boat.

I guess we had nothing to eat. I leaned over Tigress and shook her shoulder, causing her to wake up.

"Wha?" she groaned, I guess she had wanted to sleep longer.

"We have to keep moving. We have no food."

I then went to the river and splashed some water over the fire.

The flame hissed, and went out.

Tigress was sitting up, and looking at the map.
"According to the map, we are only a day away from leopard village."

"Well, we should start moving then." Tigress rolled the scroll map up and placed it in the pouch that was around her neck. We walked East, in the direction of Leopard Village.

My home.

I let my thoughts wander, eventually coming back to the robbers who flipped out boat. "He Tigress, what do you think those robbers were doing? they flipped our boat and stole nothing."

"I don't know. My best bet is that they worked for Loki, and were sent here to delay us, while he finds the blade."

"Well, if he wants the blade too, well have to get there first." We nodded at each other, and started walking at a faster pace.

We walked though fields, hills, and eventually came to a mountain gate.

(It looked kinda like this)

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(It looked kinda like this)

"I remember this." I whispered, in awe. I placed my hand on one of the beams. I went though the gate, and looked at the other side. Scratched on the opposite side of the beam was five words.

Shadow and Lin were here.

I walked though the gate, followed by Tigress. We walked for a couple more minutes, before coming to another gate. but this time, something was different.

It was charred, and lying in a heap. Someone had burned it.


The night he came here, he must have attacked, after he killed my mom and dad.

He was probably the leader of this village.

"Tigress," I looked back at her. "Well have to go stealth mode."

She nodded, understanding. We dropped on all fours, sneaking around every twist and turn the mountain pass had. 

When we came to a certain gate, I held my hand in front of Tigress. She stopped. This gate was one of the main side entrances. On the gate it said 'Leopard Village.'

That did not worry me though, it was the guards. Two leopards, one with yellow fur and one a with white fur (a snow leopard), about my age, were standing on either side of the gate, blocking our path.

I had no Idea how I was going to get past them , considering Loki was probably in command of them. I exhaled, and whispered to Tigress.

"I'll try to talk to them." I stood up, and walked around the corner with my hands in the air.

They pointed their two spears at me and yelled. "Halt, state your name and business!"

"I come in peace, my name is Shadow, I am here to-"

"Shadow?" one of the guards intturupted me. He lifted his helmet, revealing his face. "Is it really you?"

"Uh," he ran up and hugged me. I was quite taken aback, I had no Idea who this was. I smelled his sholder. hos fur smelled like Apple pie. I knew only on person who ate, and smelled, like Apple pie every day.

"Pingguo!" I laughed. I hugged him tight.

"Shadow, I thought you were dead! Why did you leave?"

"It's a long story." I pulled away from him. "Who's that?" I pointed at the other guard, the snow leopard.

"Oh, that's just my guarding buddy. Her name is Xia." he leaned toward my ear. "She can be a little grumpy sometimes." he whispered, and smiled.

"Hey! you know I can hear you!" she yelled.

"My point proven!" Pingguo and Xia delve into an argument.

I could tell it was a friendly and funny conversation by them laughing and smiling every minute.

"Uh, can I go in? I'm kinda on a stealth mission." They turned toward me.

"Why would you be on a stealth mission? This is your village."

"Oh, well, I thought Loki was control of this village."

They both laughed.

"Really! You thought us leopards would let a silly lion take control of our village? I think not! We fought him off!"

I internally celebrated! the leopards fought of Loki!

"Hey, can I see my dad?"

They both stoped celebrating and frowned. "Well, uh, you see," Pingguo scratched the back of his head. "He just died a couple months ago. Sorry to have to tell you that."

My father had lived. I had barely missed him.

"Hey, we can take you to your sister though!" Xia exclaimed.

"My... wha?"

"Your sister!" Pingguo said. "Oh, right, you weren't here. Well, five years after you mother died, you father remarried to a snow leopard named Houma, for peace treaty purposes. About two years after that, they had a kid, a daughter named Mai. So, you have a half sister."

I have a sister!?


Plot twist!

(958 words)

The Shadow Warrior (Tigress x OC) [Rewrite]Where stories live. Discover now