Chapter 2 - Valley of Peace

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Shadow Pov:

I ran from my house like my life was on the line, because it was.

I heard the distant roars of anger from the lion, and the screams of pain from my father.

I doubt that he would live.

After a few hours of running, I climbed up a large tree, and lounged in one of the branches. I was shaking from fear and exhaustion. I tried to cry, but I was to tired.

I took the Deamon Chrystal out of my mouth and inspected it. I had overheard my parents talking about it, every conversation went along the lines of: "We still don't know how to use it."

The only reason my parents knew it was a weapon was from the old legends.

I needed a better short-term place to keep the crystal, someplace better than my mouth.

I grabbed two of the largest leaves I could find on the branch. I placed them next to me, and reached up to my face. I pulled out a whisker.

It hurt, but I needed a pouch more than a whisker. I could always grow more.

I pulled out three more, and fastened them end to end. I then used one of my claws and poked small holes along the edge of the leaves.

I strung the string of my whiskers though the holes.

Over, under, over, under.

I repeated this pattern until the pouch was finished. I placed the Demon Chrystal in the pouch, and tucked it in my shirt.

As I fell asleep, I had only one thought.

Keep the Demon Chrystal from the white lion.

---20 years later---

I was a nomad.

I moved village to village, never staying in the same place for more than two weeks.

I worked odd jobs to feed myself. Always leaving the town after the first paycheck.

I had old, worn down clothes, that where somewhat still wearable, that I found in dumpsters.

I had been in the woods for more than a week, meaning I needed to travel to the nearest village, work an odd job, and stock up on more food.

I had an old map on me. I looked at it.

The nearest village was called 'Valley of Peace.'

while traveling to different villages, I had hear rumors of someone called the 'Dragon warrior' lived here.

I decided apon traveling to the village, mostly because I needed more food, and because any village that was protected by the dragon warrior should be Loki-free.

I packed my bags, and felt around my neck.

There was a worn down leather pouch. After I ran from home, I made a leaf pouch. I knew that I needed a better pouch to keep the Demon Chrystal in.

After my first job I had gotten in an offshore village, the first thing I bought was a new pouch.

I tucked the pouch back around my neck, and started to head toward the village.

After three hours of trekking, I finally made it.

I was on top of a tall hill, overlooking a small village.

The Valley of Peace village was surrounded by two rivers, creating an island.

I looked up, and noticed a palace on one of the larger hills, across the valley from me.

I don't remember what the palace was called.

I scanned the wall from where I was standing, and say a side entrance, near the back of the village.

I ran on all fours over to it.

I entered the village and found I was in an alleyway. I put my hood on, and was about to go find a place to work, when I smelled something.


My stomach growled at the aroma. I needed food, and noodles would be the perfect to satisfy my hunger.

I put my hood over my head so it would cover my eyes, and followed the sent.

After a few seconds of wandering, I stopped at a noodle resteraunt.

Mr. Pings Noodle Shop: Home of the Dragon Warrior!

Strange title, but I was too hungry to care.

I walked up to the ordering table.

A goose from behind the desk walked over to me to take my order.

"Hallo, I am Mr. Ping. What can I get you today?"

"Um... I can't really afford anything, I would like a bowl of noodles, I'll pay you back when I have the money."

"Oh, don't worry about It!" he waved his hand dismissively. "I've never seen you before, so you must be new in town. First order it on the house!"

I thanked him. He handed me a bowl of noodles. I sat down at one of the tables in to corner, as to not draw attention.

I ate in silence as I watched the other villagers order their food and eat it with their families. Most of the villagers were pigs, geese, and rabbits.

All of a sudden, one of the young rabbits screamed. My eyes widened, Loki! He must be here! I don't think I could take him on 1v1. I had taught myself much Kung Fu, and was pretty good at it, but I could never win against Loki.

I prepared to run for my life, when I heard a voice, that was definitely not Loki.

"All right, calm down. I maybe a huge celebrity, but that dosnt mean you have to scream bloody murder anytime you see me." he said sarcastically.

A giant panda walked into the resteraunt.

"Ah, Po! My son!" the goose that had given me soup waddled over to the panda and tried to wrapped his wings around his belly.

Goose father, panda son?

I continued to eat my noodles. the panda and his apparent dad, talked for a while. I picked up on their conversation, and this panda was apparently the Dragon Warrior.

Maybe I could ask him to help me kill Loki.

I started to think about jobs. I was a good cook, considering that I had to cook for myself for nearly twenty years.

I finished my soup and walked back to the goose to give him back the bowl. He had finished talking with Po, and Po had left, saying he had to 'Go train at the jade palace.'

"Here's you bowl back." I handed it back to Mr. Ping. I rubbed the back of my neck, "I was wondering, do you have a job opening? I'm a pretty good cook."

Mr. Ping looked at me. "Well, you seem suspicious, considering you have your hood over your eyes, but, other than that, you seem pretty trustworthy. Your hired!"

I have to admit, that was the strangest job interview I had ever had.

"Thanks, you have no idea what this means to me. I was wondering if you had a place I could stay the night."

"Sure, you can sleep in my son's room. First door on the left." he pointed to a door near the back of the kitchen.


"Don't mention it. You start on Monday."


Sorry this took so long, I had nearly finished this chapter, when half of it was deleted. I must have not been WiFi, because it didn't save.

(1196 words)

The Shadow Warrior (Tigress x OC) [Rewrite]Where stories live. Discover now