Chapter 7 - On the road again

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AN -

I just wanted to say thanks to all of you out there that have read/are reading all of my books.

I want to also say a special thanks to those who are voting and commenting on the chapters. Even if I don't reply to them, they still mean a lot to me!

The greatest thanks of all goes to HokageOrochimaru23, who has encouraged me throughout the whole book, and has voted and also left encouraging comments on all of the chapters. Thank you for letting me rewrite this book!

Thank you, I love and appreciate you all!

-----Back to the story!-----

Tigress Pov:

I woke up at daybreak, and looked over at Shadow's bed. I hope up as I noticed he was gone.

Was he kidnapped? killed? My thoughts were soothed as he walked in the door, with an aroma that surrounded him, smelling like eggs.

"You can't leave like that! I thought yo u had been taken!"

He chuckled. "Well, I wasn't. I got us some eggs, cooked 'em myself." he smiled his stupidly contagious smile.

I smiled back at him. He handed me the pan, and some chopsticks.

"I already ate my portion," he explained why half of the pan was empty. "The rice was too stupidly overpriced, so I couldn't get any. Eggs will have to do for now."

"Hey, it's ok. Thanks for getting me food, but, I could've gotten us rice. Shifu left us some money."

"Oh," he scratched his chin.

I devowered the food, and started packing.

As the last bags were packed, we untied the boat from the dock, and left Lu Chan Village.

We sat in silence for a while, I eventually spoke up.

"Hey, thanks for telling me your backstory. It was really brave of you."

I put my hand on his and squeezed in reassurance. Our eyes locked, but was broke when he looked away.

I let go of his hand, and went into the tent. I laid on the mat, and decided to read the mission scroll again.

I was intturupted as shadow walked in.

"What you reading?" he asked.

"The mission scroll. You can read it if you want." I handed it to him.

He read for a while, is eyes widening.

"There is a blade that goes with the Demon Chrystal?" he said, surprised.

"I'm as surprised as you are. I did a little reading, and found that once, way before Ooguay, the demons roamed the earth. One of the last mortals alive, the first true master of kung fu, Master Shangdi, created a weapon. The weapon, the Deamon blade, was not enough to seal the demons. So, he gave the blade to young Ooguay, and then Shangdi put his life source in a diamond. Ooguay put the diamond in the blade, and used it to kill all of the demons."

"Huh, I wonder why I've never heard of it. If it was in Leopard Village then my parents should have been the ones to guard it."

"Well, it was just recovered from a fallen temple, about five years ago. The temple fell over one hundred years ago."

"Huh, the sword looks cool though." He studied the picture that Shifu had provided in the mission instructions. "This is all we have to do, find the blade?"

"Looks like it, unless Shifu bought some invisible ink." Shadow chuckled.

We chatted for a while as we floated down the river, occasionally pattleing the boat to face the right direction.

It was near nightfall, so I decided to go into the tent. "You going to sleep?" I asked.

"Nah, I'm going to look at the stars. Look, you can see the big dipper."

I looked up and saw the scatter of stars, admiring their beauty. I stayed there and looked at the stars for a few minutes, then yawned and went into the tent. I layed down and fell into a deep sleep.

I was intturupted from my dream, by a yell that belonged to shadow.

I jolted awake, and yelled out of the tent. Shadow was being jumped by multiple persons. I couldnt tell what they were because of the lack of light, but i could tell they were all different species.

I grabbed the mission scroll and the map and shoved them in my bag, and placed it around my neck.

I ran to help shadow, and started fighting off the attackers.

I kicked multiple in the water, when I felt the boat tip. I looked over the edge as to see what was happening.

Three river dolphins, probably with the other attackers, was trying to flip the boat.

All of a sudden, someone grabbed my wrist, it wad one of the attackers. They jabbed my neck.

My body went numb. I couldn't move. I thought they were going to steal the pouch that was slung around my neck, but they didn't.

They picked me up with ease, and tossed me overboard, the opposite direction of the dolphins.

I tried to swim, but my body wasn't listening. I hard a lot of muffled yelling, and I saw the boat flip.

I started drowning.

I tied to gasp for air, but it wouldn't come. Instead, water filled my lungs.

Everything faded black.


Short chapter today!

(865 words)

The Shadow Warrior (Tigress x OC) [Rewrite]Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ