Chapter 1 - The White Lion

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This story does not belong to me, nor does the original characters in this book.

I was given special permission by the original author to rewrite it in my own style.

Author of the original book is HokageOrochimaru23

Go check her original book out!

(Sidenote - This book takes place shortly after the events of the second Kung Fu Panda movie)

---Back to the story---

It was the middle of the night if Leopard Village, every inhabitant in deep sleep.

All but one couple.

Jun and Eva Huanghun, the chief and chieftess of Leopard Village, were suddenly awakened by a noise in their house.

Eve rolled over and looked at her husband, "Should we check it out? It could just be Shadow getting a drink of water." She said as she rubbed her eyes.

"I don't think it's Shadow, he usually never makes a sound. You know how good of a kung fu master he is."

They decided on investigating the a cause of the noise.

As they neared the kitchen, they heard another noise, this time coming from the basement.

Jun looked at his wife, wide eyed. She read his mind.

"The Demon Crystal!" They whispered in sync. They raced down the steps, now was not the time to worry about stealth.

They burst though to door, and into a open room with only one window. The window had been smashed, glass shards everywhere.

The couple races to another door, which had once been locked. Instead of a door, there was a gaping hole in the wall. The bamboo fragments had one been the door that kept any outsiders from stealing the Demon Crystal.

Only someone with immense strength could have broken down this door.

They stepped over what was left of the door and ran into a tight room.

A lion, with fur as white as snow stood before them, the Demon Crystal in his paw.

He slowly walked an arch around them.

"Well, well, well, look who we have here. Two of the best kung fu masters in all of China, protectors of this little village. Nice to see you this fine night." He purred at the sight of them.

"Give us back the Demon Crystal, and well let you go, alive." Jun busses at the lion.

"Oh, where are my manners? I am Loki Punehun, but you may call me the 'Angel of Death'." He bowed low, the tips of his mane grazing the floorboards.

"Give us the crystal and leave," Eva snarled.

"No can do, you see, I need this crystal. That means I can't hand it over."

"Well, if you don't want to give us the crystal, we'll have to take it from you."

The leaders of Leopard Village lunged at the intruder, he easily blocked both of them with a single arm swing.

Loki was very skilled at kung fu, unfortunately, Eva and Jun were no match for him.

Meanwhile, in small bedroom, a young leopard awoke from a deep slumber. His fur was as black as the night, unlike his parents. They had the normal leopard coloring. Yellow with brown spots.

The nine year old leopard stretched, and swing his feet out of bed.

He remembered why he had been awakened.

There were loud noises coming from the basement. It sounded like a fight.

At this time of night. It was probably another intruder, here to steal the Demon Crystal.

He decided it would be best to check it out.

He snuck downstairs, leaping down the steps with the grace of a swan and flexibility of a snake. Soundless, he made his way to the basement. There he was greeted by the sight of his parents, fighting what appeared to be a white lion.

He was holding the Demon Crystal. That made the young leopard mad. He lunged from the door entrance. The large lion noticed him, and swing his arm to knock him out of the air.

The leopard twisted his body, narrowly missing the lion's sharp claws. He easily plucked the Demon Crystal from the lion's paws, landing near one of the Back corners of the room.

"Ah, a youngling, you'll regret that." Loki raced towards the cub with startling speed. Eva intervened.

"Don't touch my son!"

"Pah," he spat. "He has my gem! " he extended his claws, and swing at the chieftess's neck. Eva fell to the ground, blood spilling from the wound.

The lion stepped back, a evil smile of satisfaction in his face.

"Noo!!" Jun raced toward his wife, he held her head on his hands. Eva's lifeless eyes stared blankly into space. The chief turned his head toward his son, tears streaming down his face.

"Shadow, run!" He whispered under his breath to the small, black leopard.

"No, I want to fight!"

"Listen to me, keep the crystal safe, run as far away as you can, I will find you. Go now!"

"But-" the Shadow started to plead with his father.

"Go!" Shadow ran toward the door. The white lion started to chase after him, but was mocked to the ground by Jun.

He roared in anger.

Shadow ran as fast as his legs would take him. Realizing he could run faster on all fours, he put the gem in his mouth, and tucked it under his tongue.

He ran up the steps, his paws hitting the ground, making almost no sound.

He eventually reached the front door, he swing it open, and ran into the night air, determined to keep the Demon Crystal safe.

(91 words)

Sorry for the short chapter, I plan on each chapter from now on being at least 1,200+ words.

Check out HokageOrochimaru23

The Shadow Warrior (Tigress x OC) [Rewrite]حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن