She then blew a kiss just before the elevator shut.

"If you were paying more attention, you would have seen that it already has a title," muttered Yusuke.

He then looked back at the tape. Sure enough, on its case, it had the words: "A Waltz for Akiko." Also, Yusuke didn't know that Krurene had been watching him and was less than pleased about letting the tape get into the hands of another human.

Usagi, Harusuke, and Luna were just about ready to head home from Naru's place. But, unfortunately, it was raining harder than ever.

"Ugh! All this rain is just too depressing!" complained Usagi.

"Oh, come on. The rain's not all that bad," said Harusuke. "I kinda like the rain."

"And you know say they," said Naru. "April showers bring May flowers."

"Well, I hope the flowers are happy," grumped Usagi.

"Well, in any case, I'll see you both and school tomorrow," said Naru. "Take care."

"We will. Bye Naru," said Usagi and Harusuke as they all set off for home.

As they walked home in the rain, they walked past the Game Center. In one of the windows, there was another poster, Sailor V, advertising a new game.

"Hey, Harusuke! The Sailor V game! Let's stop in and play a little bit!" she said excitedly.

"No can do Usagi," said Harusuke. "We can't go to the arcade right now, especially at this hour."

"Not to mention that you have school tomorrow Usagi," added Luna.

"Don't worry. It'll be quick," said Usagi. "Just one game."

Just as she was just about to enter the Game Center when suddenly, Yusuke came running up the sidewalk, seeming to be in fear and heading straight for Usagi.

"Watch out!" cried Luna and Harusuke.

But it was too late. Yusuke ran straight into Usagi, causing the two to fall right onto the wet floor. Usagi was now completely soaked from head to toe.

"Usagi?! Are you OK?" asked Harusuke as he came over to see that his sister was all right.

"Aww, no! My new clothes are all wet now!" cried Usagi.

She then glared at Yusuke just as he was picking himself up from the ground.

"Hey you!" she barked as she stood over him, looking very mad.

When Yusuke saw her, he let out a scream of terror and instinctively backed away.

"Help! Someone! Please! Don't kill me!" cried Yusuke as he cowered in fear. "Please! Spare my life! I beg of you!"

Usagi, Harusuke, and Luna were surprised, seeing how frightened the man was.

"OK..." said Usagi awkwardly. "I didn't mean to scare the poor guy."

"Sir. You need to take it easy," said Harusuke. "My sister is not going to kill you."

Yusuke then looked back at the two Tsukinos, and then he calmed down. After that, Harusuke and Usagi with Luna walked with Yusuke. Harusuke used his umbrella to keep Yuskuke dry. As they were walking, Yusuke then explained why he reacted the way he did when he saw Usagi. The reason being was because that Yusuke believed that someone was targeting him.

"What?! You think that someone is after you?" wondered Usagi.

"Yes," said Yusuke. "And I know you kids probably won't believe me when I say this, but... the thing that's after me... is also a monster."

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