Destroyed Aliance.

Start from the beginning

"Because if she doesn't come back, somebody has to find her."

"That's true. I just hope it's us." She lowers her voice. "I don't trust the others..."


"Well...they killed the woman they had me fight. The big head, Ray or whatever, he isn't on the same page we are I don't think. He's jealous of Kellan and he hates Alina. I think he will undermine us." This makes my hairvraise, and I don't question her suspicions at all given what I have seen from the man. I ask for details anyways.

"What gives you that impression? Didn't you ride with him?"

"We met up and carpooled. Less suspicious in one vehicle versus seven heading here. He, he vented a lot while he drove. He kept insulting Alina and alluding that Kellan is overhyped and weak. But then he'd switch back like their biggest fan. He's shifty. It was like he felt compelled to compete with everyone, and even Kellan when we'd talk about him."

"Is there anything more specific?"

"No, it was just a vibe. You'd had to have been there."

We continue our slow descent in silence. She is only feet from me, but I notice she is hyper aware of my movements and stays just out of arms reach. Her eyes never stop scanning, and she flinches at each sound. She's not excited as she seemed earlier at the house, but nervous. Almost guilty, as if she is up to something.

"Expecting someone?" She jumps and nearly loses her footing.

"No, and yes." She rubs the back of her neck. "I keep expecting her to just pop up with a stick and beat my ass." She laughs softly.

"Oh. Scared of her?"

"Definitely. It is out of respect though. She's the most intriguing killer. More so than Kellan, if I'm honest. She's smart, and just your average size woman. You wouldn't expect her to be as lethal as she is." I scoff.

"More intriguing than Kellan?"

"To me, at least. I mean you do expect violence from a big strange man, but not from some peaceful divorcee dog mom. Arguably, her spree was as long as Kellan's. We know he killed Sasha, Alina's mother, and OG Trevor. But Sasha was responsible for Kelly's death, and Alina was responsible for the deaths of the girls Kellan brought back. So wouldn't that put them about equal? Kellan was more of a Charles Manson type, setting it up without doing much work. What interests me most about him is how great an actor he was. He killed Trevor, took his identity and played the role of him perfectly for possibly a year if autopsy and all that dated Trevor's death correctly. He looked like him, but acted like him so well that nobody in that small a town noticed. Everyone was used to Trevor's sullen persona and random Schizophrenic outbursts. Even the realtor couldn't spot the difference. He should've gotten an Oscar." I smirk.

"It was a terrific performance. How do we know that's all the people Kellan killed though?"

"I ask that question often. There were lots of missing persons reported from neighboring towns and even close states, but none found could be tied to evidence left from Kellan. Others that were never found, well, I guess you can't examine what you can't find. I heard that even though he avoided Trevor's family for the most part, also typical of Trevor with his moodswings, that it is confirmed he had dinner with Trevor's parents once. Imagine knowing you had dinner with your son's killer."

"You seem to know a lot about this case."

"I followed it way before the movie. It gets wilder and wilder as you dig."

"Pun intended?"

"We'll say so! I didn't even catch it." She smiles and her round cheeks are accented by moonlight. With her getup, for a moment she reminds me so much of Alina.

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