Chapter 1: The Fault

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Author's Note: Just want to say that I wrote the beginning for my LA class. I'm not copying someone elses, if teachers are reading. This is my own story.

This is going to be a little different from the written one for English. I'll have more time to edit this story.  

Please follow me on twitter! @livestothefull

I thought the song would be encouraging (: It's the new Nicole Scherzinger song, Boomerang. Check it out!





My sister enhanced the definition for the word, beautiful. Always better than me. I was constantly jealous of her because all of the attention she received from everyone. I had dark brown hair and took the name Chyna; because my parents were very good friends with the emperor and empress from China. I vowed to myself that I someday, I resolved, would gain everyone's attention, away from Annabel. My sister had a love for a guy not even in royalty. I never did see his face for some reason. Ever.

Her so called lover took her away to marry him. Wrong move. He told our family that she was taken away by angels that were jealous of their love. Why would we ever believe him. Our parents were absolutely devastated with the thought of Annabel being gone. I still loved her no matter now jealous she would make me. She was my older sister still. My parents assumed that her lover took her away and hid her, so that we would never see her again. I mean, who would ever believe someone was in the grave because angels were too jealous? I thought that he was out of his mind! It was absolutely ridiculous!

He was banished from our kingdom for good, by a little, intervening, by me, of course. I never thought revenge was so sweet. The kingdom all thought they would be together forever. Wrong. He only cared about her beauty. What would happen if she grew old and became not so young and beautiful? One night, I went out of the castle to attend some duties, when I stopped by her grave. I saw a shadow, crying and weeping at her grave. "Apparently someone wasn't quite lying, just a lunatic," I thought.

I passed by, without a second thought to attend my matters. I knew that if I were to go to her grave, I would see him. He was heartless. He let my sister die because of their stupid love to each other. It was all his fault. Why should I care about him? I always knew that everyone in the kingdom loved her. She was likeable by everyone. There was no one I could name that didn't like her, well except for me.

Our kingdom a couple months later declared war on a kingdom that killed my father a couple days earlier. My mom and I were forced to declare war, because all the people in our kingdom were so furious. We had no choice. The general from our army and one of my childhood friends, Luke pressured us to declare war. He had luscious blonde hair with light blue eyes. He was always sweet, kind hearted, and always protected me no matter what, like an older brother.  I always trusted him. Everything was happening so fast for us. I don’t even know the real reason why my dad died in the first place. There was no time for mourning. We had to prepare for war. Luke assured us that we would win. He always convinced me that he was right, but this time, I wasn’t sure for the first time. This was the first time that something this big has happened in my life, that I would actually had to help out in the kingdom without the help of my dad. My mom was clearly in no condition to help us. It’s like she left me to run the kingdom by myself. We had another general under Luke called, Adam. He was someone I did not know before, until now.

Adam was someone that you wanted to get to more of. Adam had what looked like rough, brown hair, accompanied with emerald green eyes that were absolutely electric.  You couldn’t tell what he was thinking. His facial expressions were blank. He was so confusing. He started talking to us, when we were planning our war strategy. “I think that we should come up behind them, as they are planning to invade us. I got reports that they were camped out right outside our kingdom. Once we go outside our kingdom walls, they will eat us alive.”

“What are you saying then?” I questioned him.

“I think that we should use the kingdom’s underground routes,” replied Adam without a single emotion written on his face.

“Nonsense! There are no underground routes. If there were, I would know!” Interrupted a very annoyed and cross Luke.

“There is, as a matter of fact. You see, we only have one exit from this kingdom, the front gate with the drawbridge. Chyna, your father made a tunnel to get out of this kingdom in case we ever got trapped in here.” shot back Adam.

“Well, then, what do you suggest we do?” I responded.

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