Girl: Uh Mister...?

Me: What's up chicken?

Girl: ... Can you save Raven?

Me: Raven? Who's that?

Another slightly older kid came to us. It was a boy and he also looked concern. Some of them even had teary eyes.

What on earth is going on here?

Why are there all so concerned?

Boy: Raven is an older boy with broken wings...

Another Boy: He is the one that can control the ravens.

Me: So he is controlling them... But why are you all soo sad?


What's going on?!

No one is going to die!

Why are they all acting as if that would happen?

I can tell that they all hold that boy very dear to them... he must be a nice kid.

Now I am curious to see who he is.

A boy with broken wings... Maybe we could adopt him.

Girl: *Sniff* Jean took him from us! *Sniff*

Me: Hey, hey, no need to cry! Everything will be fine.

Another Boy: Mister Hawks, can you save him please?

Me: Don't worry that's what I do best!

I stood up at the same moment the door opened up and Dabi walked in. He came to my side and whispered something in my ear.

Dabi (whispering): There is a faint blood scent lingering in the air on the first floor.


Now I understand why they were looking all so scared at me!

Me: Jean?

Jean: Yes, did you already decide on a kid?

Me: I want to see the boy they call Raven.

Dabi: Who's that?

Jean: That boy is a trouble maker. I would advise you to choose another one.

Dabi: And why that?

Jean: You see, that boy is mean and has a very bad attitude. The kids are even scared of him! He used to beat them up for no reason.

Dabi looked at me and I only shook my head.

Dabi: We want to see him!

Jean: That is rather difficult since the child is now reflecting.

Me: Are you refusing to let us see a child? Do I need to take some measurements?

Jean: No, Sir. If you follow me to the waiting room, I'll send the child there.

It took us a little bit but in the end, she did agreed to let us meet this child. The moment she left us alone in the waiting room, I looked towards Dabi.

Dabi: What did you notice?

Me: The kids were scared for a boy named Raven. They were close to begging me to help the kid. Not only that but they all seemed rather distance and cold as well as frightened towards that woman Jean.

Dabi: I agree. The older kids also were intimidated. Not to mention the smell of blood that I could pick up.

Me: You think she is hurting and abusing them?

Dabi: Possibly that or they are hurting each other and she doesn't care.

Me: I would say the first option looks more realistic.

Jean: This is the boy. His name is Izuku.

We were still looking at each other and in mid talk when we heard the door open. Still we decided not to react immediately until she said the boys name was Izuku. That was when we both looked at the direction of them standing in the doorframe.


There is no way that it is that kid!

There he was. The kid that killed our child. However, something was different now. He looked rather pale and he didn't have any wings at all. Besides that his eyes were not focused and his pupils were way to big. Something was definitelly wrong. The smell of blood that came from him was also a reason to be allured.

Me: *Gasp*

Ohh gosh!

Don't tell me that.... this is Raven?!

What even happened to him?!

He looks as if she was dead!

Where are his wings?

Where is the base of them?

Even if they were not recovered fully, he at least should have the base intact....

What happened to him?!

The look he had in his eyes was broken and cold nearly like glass. This was definitely not what we both had in mind when we left him. He was looking down the entire time until a gasp escaped my mouth. That was when he looked up. Though the moment he saw us his eyes were terrified. It was as if he just saw a ghost or a monsters and was scared for his life. It wasn't to far from the reality seeing as what we did to him.

Just like that he started backing away from us before running out of the room.

Dabi: WAIT!


What have we done?!

This is not how he should have paid for our sons' life!

This is even worse than death!

Robbing a bird, it's wings is a death sentence for sure.

This was why we left his base intact!

He should have been able to recover!

He should have...



Jean: As you can tell the kid has a bad temper and isn't well behaved.

Before I knew what was going on both me and Dabi stormed out of the room. The bloody smell that began filling the room came from him and we also saw a blood trail. Drops of blood were everywhere. Not only that but it was just the way that he looked at us that I- no we couldn't forget.

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