Chopppy Chop Chop

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A month passed with me staying at the orphanage. By now I knew the ways around here. My job was to take care of the little kids, cook for them as well as clean up their as well as my own area. It wasn't a really hard job and I never saw our caretaker again after she told me what to do.

I am only glad that I don't need to see her again!

Thank god I wasn't punished as well!

I only heard what the others say about punishment...

Apparently she has some kind of knife quirk.

I don't know.

I don't want to find out!

But the cuts the other have from her are rather deep.

I only hope I'll never get yo experience her quirk on my own flesh and skin!

The thought alone send goosebumps all over my skin!

I think I had enough pain for a lifetime!

I can pass on them!

The kids were also all nice to me. Never had problems dealing with them. Whenever we get a new kid and they were assigned to me, I try my best to make them feel at home and forget their painful past. In the end I ended up being their big brother or even father that would take care of them. A person that they could rely on and tell everything. I helped them out whenever they needed me and I was there for them to support them too.

I am glad these kids warned me in time about things I would for sure made a mistake!

I mean come on!

How should I know thr ways around?!

All she said was do it lile this and that and nothing more!

Her personality is just... Yeiks!

At least I am surrounded by so many little angels!

They really are the best and they feel like family....

Speaking of I hope I never see my mother or Bitch Might ever again.

Or I swear I'll turn into a villain.

We kinda were a family on our own. Everything was good so far. Nothing bad happened and I made a good recovery too.

Jean: Zuku!

Speaking of the devil and he may appear!

Gosh how I hate her voice!

It's never a good thing when she calls your name like that!

Like can't she use my full name?

It's not fun and I know that she only wants to make me suffer even more!

As if losing my quirk wasn't enough!

At this point I prever the devil over her.

I am pretty sure I have a chance against him.

But her?

Who knows it's as if I am playing Russian Rullet every single day.

One slip up and she would for sure kill mr and then hide my body away.

No one will search for me anyways...

Why am I thinking like this...

I can't let myself be discouraged!

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