"You seriously been here your whole life?"

"It's none of your business, but unfortunately, yes I have. You'll be there?"

"Yeah, I'll be there."

"Awesome, dress nice, bye." I say before hanging up.

I couldn't wait to see the look on Kiera's face when I walked in. Although I was slightly panicking at having to see Richard again or even step inside that school again. That was one of the worst times of my life.

I was living in foster care the whole time through school. So I didn't have much, and the kids took that as a reason to bully me. I didn't have nice clothes like them, I didn't have nice shoes like everyone else had, hell I didn't even have a nice home like everyone else.

I go to Fiona's room and sit on her bed as she looks up from her phone. She stares at me, confused, as I smile at her.

"Hi, Mama." She says and goes back to her phone.

"The hairstyle you chose today looks amazing, Fiona." She has braided her hair in a nice ponytail.

Fiona looks up and squints her eyes as she stares at me, trying to decipher something.

"Ya git in an argument with someone again or somethin?"

I've always loved her southern accent. Even if it was hard to understand sometimes.

I laugh fake-ly and wave a dismissive hand at her. "What? No, of course not. I rarely argue with people. "

"Ya literally like arguin with people, Ma."

I drop the act, "Alright fine, you caught me. Tonight's my highschool reunion and at first I wasn't going to go but Kiera is coming and I just have to prove her wrong. So I need you to stay here. It's only for a couple of hours. "


"Awesome! There's dinner in the fridge. You know my number. If you even think something is wrong, let me know and I'll rush home, alright?" I get up from her bed and go to my closet. It was already six so I had to hurry up.

I decided I want to dress up a little tonight. I had gotten a little thicker since highschool, not much, but it was enough to show off. And that's exactly what I was going to do.

I grab the wine red cape dress I got from the thrift store a few years ago and go to the bathroom. The first time I put it on, it was a little tight but not overwhelming tight. The shoulder v neck makes my boobs look slightly larger, but as far as that everything looks good. That is, until I turn around and see my underwear line visible through the dress. I hated that. It made me feel self conscious about the whole outfit.

I could keep the granny panties on, or I could take them off. If I kept them on I would walk around feeling insecure about myself, which will ruin my mood. Or I could take them off and walk around with no underwear underneath my dress.

No one would know. It's not like I would be taking it off for anyone.

With that, I decided to take them off. The result is much better. I stare at my backside confidently before going back to the closet and getting my heels and flats. Once I have put the heels on and put the flats in my bag, I am ready to go.

I say goodbye to Fiona and soon am out the door. I decided I will be completely fancy tonight and will take the taxi. The taxi driver is a brunette woman and when she sees my outfit, she smiles and compliments it. This leaves me happy the whole way there. When I arrive, find my way to the cafeteria and see it is already packed. I try to spot Dante, but see him nowhere. I step to the side and call him. He doesn't answer but sends a text saying he is on his way.

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