Nothing left but Sorrow

Start from the beginning

Still laying on the ground, I could hear some knocking sound on the window.

Raven: CAW?

My ravens were there looking at me. Only now did I realize that there were ravens all over the windows and every single one of them was looking at me.

Me: I'm... not okay.... but.... I... live.

A weak smile was on my face as my view became teary.

They really are the best!

Even after losing everything, they always stayed with me!

Thank you for not giving me up too!

It took me a solid hour to get up. Everything hurt especially my back but if I didn't do what Jean told me then I would have been for sure dead. In the end I dragged my own body to the window. There was not a chance that I could successfully lift a bucket of water to clean the blood up. I was too weak to even stand but yet managed to do so.

My ravens were the only solution I had. There was no other way for me to clean up the blood. I needed water and after what I went though, my body was too weak to carry anything besides my own weight. So, I opened the window.

Ravens: *Caw*Caw*Caw*

Me: Hey there....

I reached out and began petting the crow as it came into my room. It flew furiously around me and I felt very exhausted so I sat back down on the ground.

Me: Can you help me... get some water?

Sadly, it wasn't the first time that I asked them to get me some water. This was why I had a small cup that looked like a bucket and was indeed a toy for children but it could be used as a cup and my ravens could carry it.

Raven: *CAW*

Me: Thank you.

As one raven went flying out, another one came in and began snuggling to me. They were all that I had and so I appreciated it.

Not long after the raven went out, it came back with the cup and I took it to drink a little bit first. As the two ravens looked at me with worried eyes another one came flying in with a branch of some sort of wild berries. If I was correct then it had raspberries with it.

Me: Thank you

I accepted the food they gave me and gave it a small pat on its head. After I put the cup down again, the same raven took it and went out to get more. Now I needed to clean up the mess. That was until I heard footsteps again.

Me (whispering): Leave! Quickly!

They did as I said and I was left in the room with a broom. The door to the attic opened and Jean came in with some clothes.

Jean: TSK! If they didn't ask for you, then I wouldn't be here. Get changed and get rid of the scent of blood on you! After that come down.

Me: I understand.

By now I could stand again. My body was too numb and I didn't care about the pain that I felt. After all pain was the only proof, I had that I was still alive.

How does she think I should get rid of the smell of blood?

I am not allowed to shower!


Guess I'll be just using the water and a towel to get the blood down...

Once she was gone a raven came in again with the cup. It must have heard what we were saying and waited for the right time to come in.

Raven: *CAW*

Me: You wanna help me?

Raven: *Caw*Caw*

Me: Thank you.

I took of my cloth and laid down as the raven slowly purred the water from the cup on me. Whoever said ravens were dumb creatures was wrong. As one was holding the bucket another one was carefully standing on my back while the one with the bucket slowly put the bucket on its head and tipping it over so that the water would land on my back and it burned. It was ice cold water and in combination with the wounds just hurt.

After he poured the cup like bucket empty, a third one had the towel in its beak and carefully began swipe my back clean. It just used its head for it and sometimes its wings. In the end it was useful and I could tell that they cleaned me up good enough.

Me: Thank you, guys!


That was my clue to get quickly changed and down.

Raven: *CAW*

Raven 2: *Caw*Caw*

Raven 3: *CaW*

Me: Don't worry guys, I'll be careful!

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