"I don't want to talk to him. He-"

"I get it Tessa but you can't leave him without saying a word atleast give him some explanation. Did he do something?" He questions.

Yes, he did not today but in the past.
But I shake my head to no.

"Then you should call him and give him some clarification, he deserve that don't you think?"

"Yeah." I look at the floor not wanting to face my bestfriend.

"Okay so he's going to call you again and this time please pick up, will you?" He sweetly requests.

"Okay." I muster and he left my room.

A minute later my phone rings and there his name flashes cross my screen.

I can't face him. I left him like a coward I am when he was sleeping, what even I'm gonna say to him?

I've to give him the closer so he can move on and me too, that's why I pick up.

Hardin's POV:

I called Tessa so many times but she isn't answering so at the last I call Landon and he picks on the fifth ring, "Hey what's up?" He says in his sleepy tone.

"Can you go into Tessa's room to see if she's there or not?" I request.

"Sure but I thought she's with you?"

"She was but she left without waking me up man." I state.

"What did you do now?" He huffs.

"I didn't do anything asshole. When I woke up I found out she isn't here and she left a note saying me to go back to Chicago. Can you just go and check?" I try on to yell on his ass but I'm panicking here.

"Okay man, just wait." He tells me. I hear him knocking on the door and calling if Tessa in her room and there I hear her voice.

I finally breathe. Thank God, atleast I know she's at the safe place not wandering on the street.

"What do you want me to do now?" Landon asks.

"Just tell her to pick my call this time, please man do it for me." I request.

"Okay, I'll do want I can." He tells and puts me on hold. I waited five minutes praying that Landon could convince her and she'd answers me. Just one talk I want and I'll make it up to her. "Okay, so she's ready to talk to you dude." He finally tells.

"Thanks man."

"See if she didn't want to see you here then-" he begins but I interrupt.

"Yeah, I know. I'll go, don't worry." I assure him.

"I don't know that I should tell you this or not." His tone has uneasiness.

"She's okay right?" I panic that she got hurt, physically.

"No, it's not like that." He tells, calming my nerves. "That I find...your book in the trash, torn up."

What? She rip the book. Why? I gave her 'the first copy' ever and she just destroyed it. Then she must be really pissed at me or the book.

"Thanks for telling me." I end up the call and wait few second to dial her. And she picks up this time.

"Hey." I say but of course she didn't response so I continue, "You know I panicked when I find you weren't here next to me." Silent. No voice, nothing. "Did I do something Tessa?" I finally ask, because her silent treatment is eating me.

"Yeah, you did." She tells.

"When? And what did I do?" I really don't remember doing anything bad or telling anything to upset her.

"Two years ago. The bet and many more disgusting things and fight between us." What? The fuck? She's mad at the old history.

"I thought we were past it and you forgave me." I really try to calm my voice but I'm loosing it.

"Guess I didn't. I can't forgive you."

"Is this because of the bullshit comments you read?" I say because I know it had to be it

"No, it's not." She lies, I know she is.

"Hell yes it is. You shouldn't be listening what the dumbest people say stupid shits about us. They don't know shits about me and you, Tessa, what we've been through. And you're letting them their shits talks into your mind. It's ridiculous." I yell on the receiver.

"Don't yell at me." She shouts back.

"Okay sorry but you, we should've talk this through face-to-face not just you sneaking out on me leaving with this fucked up note." I tell her in my slightly high voice and crush the note with my free hand.

"There's nothing to talk about." How she could said that?


"Yes, really. We don't meant to be together. We'd never work so it's better we just moved on with our lives separately." Sternly in her tone.

"You'll move on? With whom?" The first thought came into my mind it's that the waiter guy.

"Yes, I will and it's not your concerned whom I am with so you should just go back to Chicago where you should be." Her voice is shaky.

"But Tess-"

"Just go! I...I don't want you here." I hear her voice breaks.

"Okay then. I'm going only because I promised you I'll go wherever you tell me to so..." I take a breathe. "Bye. I'll wait for you wherever you would change your mind." I say, softly.

"I won't." Don't lie baby.

"Whatever you say but I will wait, forever and I love you. I love-" before I finish she hangs up.

I love you so fucking much Tessa and I'll wait for you to come around even if I've spent my entire life I will wait.


And as she requested-well commanded- to me to go back thus I booked an evening flight just in case she changed her mind but she didn't come and I'm okay with it, though I'm not okay with it but I have to for her sake and mine too.

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