IV | Patri

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Patri stood over a bed where the human girl sleeps in her new and clean clothes that were provided by them. His eyes glued to the pendant of her necklace.

Patri frowned as he looks at it more and becomes confused. The pendant looks exactly like the blue magic stone that they haven't located yet, but it was somehow... empty. If this girl's pendant is the real magic stone, he would have felt that it was on her possession the moment she fell in front of them. However, Patri only became aware of the blue magic stone when he saw it laying on the human girl's chest.

This is where the confusion strikes Patri. If the blue magic stone on the girl's necklace proves to be fake, then the human girl or at least the people around her must have known the real one to have an exact replica. Fortunately, for now they have a clue as to where one more of the magic stones might lie.

Getting the blue magic stone is why Patri decided to deceive the naïve human girl. It was easy, since it looks like she's lost and can only rely on other people to get back home. A cold glint flashed in Patri's eyes. She can go back, only if that's because the magic stone is in her place and the Eye of the Midnight Sun has to retrieve it.

"I can't believe it," a voice at Patri's side interrupted his thoughts. "Did she really fall from the sky and grew wings? Then why does she have no mana?"

Raia voiced one of Patri's biggest dismays upon meeting the human girl who has a fake magic stone. His frown deepened when he remembered the scene where this girl had white wings that sprouted from her back—that even now is still on her. If he wasn't a witness in the scene, he would have doubted the story too.

"Among all the humans, she's the most unloved by mana," he said, his voice dripping with disgust. The human girl seemed to be in a deep sleep so the two did not care and think that she would wake up from their voices.

Raia nodded before a smirk curled the corner of his lips, "True, she's an odd being. Perhaps might be the most repulsive yet, since she lacks even a little amount of mana."

"How pitiful," he mocks at the peaceful sleeping face.

Patri threw the human girl one more glare before he walks away, Raia trailing behind him with more teasing that never fazed the white-haired man.

* * *

You stared blankly at the ceiling when you woke up. You really thought you were dreaming, and that sleeping would wake you up in the real world--that is if you are not in a reality.

"What in the hell is happening?" You murmured to yourself, now with an uneasy expression.

Wasn't I just living a normal life? The only anomaly in my life was that abnormal doctor! You thought.

You really had no idea as to how you could have ended up in this world. When you started to think about it, how could a magical rabbit hole exist in the school's backyard and go unnoticed? Is it because all that fell into it, was stuck in this world?

Still, that wasn't plausible enough. Especially for a hole that big, enough to let you through while wearing a ballgown. Your school took pride in having the best security and safety measures, how could they allow a hole like that to exist and endanger the life of students?

Moments later, a sigh escaped your lips. There was no use to think about it if you don't have much to speculate on. The only thing you were sure for now, is the fact that you're inexplicably in another world where fantasy is reality.

The feeling of fear and anxiety loomed in your heart, but excitement prevails. After spending most of your childhood days at the hospital, you developed the tendency to get yourself into trouble for adventure and other risky activities.

"Don't get too distracted. Don't get too distracted. . ." You murmured to yourself, trying not to let the desire for thrill take over your rationality.

Just as you were trying to calm yourself down, a group of women entered your room. You subconsciously backed to the wall of the bed, confusion painted on your face.

The tallest one among them stepped out, she had a long face and you felt intimidated when your eyes met. As you were about to speak, she went ahead and threw an order to the women she brought with her.

"Strip her."

Your eyes widened. "What?!"

Despite your obvious confusion and aversion to her command, the intimidating lady did not answer you. But you couldn't focus on her anymore as you frantically tried to avoid the girls that approached you. Many scenarios flashed in your head and none of them gave you comfort; they instead made you feel the opposite.

"Hey! Stop there! Don't touch me!"

Am I getting sold as a slave?!

Am I going to be a sacrificial offering to some God?!

Did I accidentally entered some sort of cult?!

Only if you had known how true your last speculation was. Perhaps you could have done your best to find a way out, to run away from this world, from him.

But the reality was you were a powerless girl in an unfamiliar world. When you kept swatting the girls away, they became more aggressive and their grips started to hurt, You continued to demand an explanation, but none offered.

"Please! Please tell me what's going on! Anybody!" You pleaded, voice cracking. "Miss! Don't do this!"

Your fear and anxiety only grew until you eventually forgot the overwhelming excitement you were feeling earlier. Dread and humiliation took over your being as the sounds of your gown being tore to shreds echoed in the room. 

"Please. . . anyone, tell me why you're doing this. . ." You were on the verge of crying, but you held your tears as your last resort of trying to be brave. Still, no answer. No one obviously thought of your feelings, much less respect for you. 

Hatred squeezed your heart after the group of women exhausted the last bit of patience you had.

A flash of scratch against your neck and a second later, you felt the area stinging. But you couldn't care less. If anything, it was literally a scratch compared to the humiliation that you had just endured.

You heard a scoff, and when you lifted your head, you saw the tall woman looking at you with disdain. On her hand, she was holding onto the necklace that you bought from the witchy shop at the school festival. You felt a bit irritated at having your belonging snatched away for unknown reason, but you let it go easily since that wasn't the original that you lost anyway.

They seemed to have gotten what they want because they finally ceased their humiliating actions. Your eyes panned to every girl and you felt even more wronged with their serene expression. Even worse, they seemed satisfied.

Your gaze got colder, "Was it satisfying to leave my clothes barely hanging onto me?"

It was sarcasm, but until the end, none of them seemed as if they were going to answer. With that, you hardened you resolve.

"Well, if none of you are going to tell me, I'm going to find out myself. Until then, I'm gonna be dreaming about paying back what I owe."

With a blink of an eye, you disappeared. Gasps followed, everyone was startled, alarmed even

"She-She disappeared!" One of them shrieked. When they were tearing at your ballgown, from start to finish, they had calm expressions as if they were robots--but now they were taken aback and some of them even felt a chill from your threat. How could they not, when you disappeared in front of them.

"Isn't that girl supposed to be lacking of mana?!"

"D-Did we just make a mistake?"

"Quick! One of you report to Valtos immediately!" It was now their turn to become apprehensive. If they really did make a big mistake, their heads would be the first ones to fly.



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