VII | Licht

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When you and Licht were all left alone, silence settled for a minute. That was until you wiped your tears with your available hand and forced yourself to put a smile.

You cleared your throat as if you knew that your voice was gonna be hoarse, "Lumiere, he...he was just kidding with you." You averted your eyes from him and then you pushed his hand away from your wrist.

"Licht, you don't need to worry. I...I will be fine..." You added, the last words came out as a whisper. The uncertainty was obvious by how you said it, but you ignored it and pretended that you are fine.

You turned your back from him and felt that you hurriedly need to get away before another emotional breakdown comes, and Licht might find out everything. It's because you cannot afford to let yourself hope again, that you wanted to hide even just for a while. Maybe you were a coward who is afraid of facing rejection, but you weren't too keen on adding another person to your mindset that "nobody really wants you".

However, Licht is not an entirely dense person. He may have mistook actions for nothing but kindness, but he will never get it wrong when it is put into words. Although what Lumiere said was vague, it was not that hard to figure it out, when Licht connects it with Tetia's confession.

He was able to guess that you probably thought Licht liked Tetia too since he was inseparable with them whenever they went to the village (though the real reason is because they were to be a couple according to the manga—but he doesn't know that). He also concluded that you probably didn't hear the whole conversation.

"Did you see that? Did you hear what Tetia said?" He asked and your stride stopped, but you didn't turn around. Licht looked down for a moment and saw your clenched fists.

"Were you able to hear my rejection?" He continued and got a confirmation that you didn't know that Tetia was rejected, based on how your breath hitched. He was listening at looking...

Then finally, you slowly turned around and met his unwavering gaze. The emotion that was flickering in his golden eyes made your heart ache with anticipation. Licht was also relieved to see how hopeful you looked.

"I rejected Tetia," he said. "Because I love you. My sentiments are only yours."

"I didn't know when—but I started hating seeing you cry in pain. I started observing every little details about you and wished that I could hold you. I thought it was just curiosity—mere puzzlement of the mystery surrounding you, but I was wrong."

Licht took a deep breath, his eyes never once leaving yours. Every word he uttered left you weak.

"I disliked it when you wore a bright smile with another man; I admit I was afraid that you had fallen for them. I did not know I could be so selfish, but when it comes to you, it didn't felt unjust."

It was not too long ago when you stopped shedding tears, but you couldn't help but cry again. It's not wrong to cry at this moment. In fact, the wet sensation of your tears was one of the things that told you that the current situation is real. You are not dreaming.

Licht slowly approached you with a gentle and sincere smile, his gaze filled with affection. With the way the moonlight shined against his hair, Licht resembled a warm light under the blanket of the dark sky. So breathtaking and ethereal.

When he was finally in front of you, he took your hand and placed a light peck on your palm as his golden eyes looked straight at yours. Your heartbeat got louder and louder while your whole body felt hot.

You couldn't say anything. There was a lump in your throat that felt suffocating, yet enthralling at the same time.

"...Does your heart feel the same as mine, Y/N?" He asked in a low voice that pulled you more to him. Then his other hand cupped your cheek and his thumb wiped away your tears. Everything about Licht is so good that you were intoxicated with every of his actions... You were melting in his touch.

You raised your hand and touched the back of his hand on your cheek and nudged your head against it—like you were chasing his warmth. "Yes, my heart is solely yours, Licht. I have never wanted anyone in my life besides you... I don't think I can go back and pretend that I didn't know you."

A wide grin spread across Licht's face, his eyes seemed glossy too. Then he finally closed the gap between the two of you, leaning and placing a soft kiss on your forehead, then to your eyelids, next to your cheeks, and lastly, to your lips. The softness of his lips was just as you imagined, and you got a confirmation that he really was gentle.

Your hand clutched at his clothes—you had too much feelings for this man that you didn't know what to do.

When he pulled away, you opened your eyes to see his gaze on your lips, the wanting—the yearning was too strong for Licht. His thumb grazed over your tinted lips and you shuddered in pleasure.

"Kiss me," you uttered. "Please."

Then he did. He kissed you. Licht wrapped his arm around your waist and the other around you back, pulling you against him. He softly whispered, "I love you," in between of your kisses—and it made everything more perfect and sweet. Indescribable and breathless.

Inside his arms, at this very moment, you thought that it was okay to be vulnerable. It's fine to be weak and it's not a sin. You felt completely safe in this moment that not even your darkest past could ruin. Everything was strange because even though you felt weak, you also felt that you were strong. Stronger than you have ever been.

Both of your heart stirs and made an unconscious wish for this moment to remain forever. The dark sky covering the precious moments that only you and Licht knows; with the night chill that wasn't able to blow off the fire that you two created.

This happiness of knowing that the person you love exists and out of all the possibilities, you and I had met. The regret of not meeting sooner and all that was lost, is not capable of overshadowing this rose-colored moment that you and I shared intimately.



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