VIII | Licht

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The clear skies above doesn't seem to change in this new world, even when time goes on infinitely. It is one of the certain things that embraces you with comfort. One day, the strangeness that came from waking up in a new world and things that were once only fantasies, became a normalcy that settled in your bones.

The days that drifted by were rather uneventful, but wrapped with bliss and a thousand little moments that filled the gap in your heart. Slowly, but surely and steady.

Your past that is full of uncertainty and fear diminished every hope that you once had of experiencing raw joy and love like this. It already changed you to the point that you cannot remember what you used to be anymore. Or at least what you used to feel.

Licht makes everything brighter. Just knowing that he exists drowns you with security. You've never felt so safe before until you came to know what it's like inside his arms. It maybe an exaggeration, but just the thought of him disappearing fills you with dread and despair.

Those romance stories you've written that a lot of people have raved about— it pales in comparison to what real love feels like. You used to have a lot of words to describe it based on what you thought it was, but love, love is an inexplicable feeling. It's wondrous, yes, but that word and anything like it isn't enough.

This is why it's not strange that you've been smiling a lot lately. And also often lost in thought even while doing the same repetitive work without mistakes. It would be lovely to live like this forever.

It's uneventful and certainly lacking of thrilling adventures, but you would never trade this safety for a thorny and bumpy path. Moreover, Lumiere and Licht's ambitions that will certainly lead them to somewhere, is enough for you.

To watch over and protect them, there's nothing honorable and greater than that.

You look up the sky with an affectionate smile, and in your heart, thanking whichever god or goddess brought you here. Then you heard footsteps on the grass and glanced over to see Licht and the kids approaching you. They seemed oddly excited.

You propped yourself up with a curious look in your eyes, but the smile never left your lips. "What's with the cheeky grins and giggles, huh?"

The wind blew, and your hair and dress flowed with it. As if it was deliberately done, you appeared more beautiful and mystical. Licht could not help but stop and admire the breathtaking view.

He noted how your hair got significantly longer after a year of arriving in their village. He noted how you flourished brilliantly like a blooming flower. Most importantly, he captured in his heart how happier you appeared. Licht felt relieved that he could make you elated by his side.

There's nothing more rewarding than the happiness of the person you love the most.

"Well, the tiny ones and I have prepared a little surprise for you." Licht said as he approached. The children's faces beamed more brighter at his words. Actually, it's not really the children's surprise plan, but they helped Licht so he thought that there's no harm in including them.

You raised an eyebrow at them and smirked playfully, "Let me guess, is it a magic surprise?" The magic you were referring to was literal magic, but it was a different magic that the kids thought so they nodded enthusiastically. You thought it was something about their magical abilities since they often show you what they can do.

This is because you shower them with praises even though it's the simplest like boosting the growth of a sprout.

You laughed because of the way their little heads bobbed, and started walking to meet them halfway. A sudden throb shoots through your brain like a flash and your smile disappears in an instant.

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