VI | Licht

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A month and a half has already passed since you discovered about your hidden power (or you could also call it a cheat). So many things had happened and your connection with the elves and two royals only deepened.

There are three things that you found out about your power: first, you can obviously use it without mana and grimoire, but when you wield it, you become tired—which means it consumes your life energy; second, you cannot create things out of nowhere. For example, if your want fire, you can't make it by saying "fire" even with the full intention of making it; instead you need a physical entity for your command and say "burn".

Lastly, it's extremely powerful; you can freeze a whole lake or shake a vast forest. Though that doesn't mean that it will also consume a lot of energy from you; wether you use it for the smallest or the biggest thing, the energy it consumes is all the same.

Although no one knew why you had such power and was confused since they thought you weren't loved by mana, no one also shunned you because of it. The elves knew what it feels to be separated from others just because they were deemed different and they didn't want you to feel that way; especially more so since you were one of the only humans that never treated them any differently.

In fact, it was obvious that you preferred them than your kind as you always frown in disappointment when the elves say things they couldn't do to avoid humans. Just because of some "bad apples", everyone had to be cautious to all apples...

Nevertheless, they're actually treating you like a family now. When you finally woke up after that terrible ordeal at the forest, Licht consulted you properly if you wanted to stay in their village or go back to your original home (of course he still doesn't know that you're not from their world).

You felt touched by his considerate act and appreciated Licht more since you've already told him that you didn't want to go back when you woke up unstably. But he still wanted to make sure to not make you feel in any way that you're being guilt into staying with them—thinking that what you said in your dream was just in a spur of moment.

Licht understood that there are some people who accepts their miserable moments for their loved ones and sometimes, it's also because they're happy now. He thought that you might rationalize and choose to go back home for some people; Licht did not have a clue that you had no such people and that the only joy you had back home was writing fictional stories.

So you told him. You told him everything while excluding the fact that you're a stranger in their world and they're just fictional characters in yours. Actually, because you transported into the black clover world, it's not odd to think that every fictional world that is made exists and it's reality. What if the world you are in is also a fictional world written by someone?

Well, nobody knows for sure and it's too complicated to ponder on. You are rather much happier to celebrate that this was your new reality now. You found a family with the elves when they accepted you to live with them, and are friends with the royals; you'd do whatever it takes to change everyone's fate for the better.

Laughter ensued around you as the little elves scattered around the fields of grass. It stretched as far as the eye could see and blended well with the clear blue sky. The warmth of the sunlight reminded you that you were currently playing with the children.

"Run! I'm gonna catch you all! Here I come!" You cheerfully exclaimed and extended your hand, reaching for whoever comes near. But you were either letting them escape or running to slow, playing with them like a big sister as the mothers of the children watched on the side fondly while hanging newly washed clothes.

"Ahhh! Sister Y/N is going to catch me!" Eclat yelled playfully as her laughter got louder. Just when you were about to catch her, planning to raise her up, your attention was caught by the kids who exclaimed that Licht just arrived.

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