Chapter 30

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It felt like days had gone by but in reality, only a few short hours had passed. The cops got to the abandoned home rather quickly. They took Mark into custody where he would get treatment for his wounds and be locked up for a long while. It didn't surprise JK that the cops got there so fast, one of the officers told him that they had received a call with this location and were already on their way to investigate. Right after the cops arrived the Life Flight touched down in the field next to the house and the medical personnel did what they could to stabilize Jimin. They said only one other person could fit on the flight so Yoongi demanded that they take YN because of her condition and that she needed medical attention anyways.

Jungkook was useless, he was numb and couldn't do anything other than silently let the tears fall. When the medics came for Jimin it didn't take any force at all to move him. Yoongi simply hauled him up away from YN and Jimin so that they could be seen. Once they were taken away, he could only stare as the helicopter faded into the distance with two of the most important people.

He turned as he felt pressure on his shoulder and looked at Yoongi helplessly. He opened his mouth to say something but no words came out. Instead, he just felt broken.

"It's going to be alright JK, Jimin is one tough son of a bitch. He'll be fine. Let's get to the hospital and call the guys." Yoongi said, wrapping his arms around the younger male.

JK nodded and walked to the car. They made the drive quickly and in silence beside the phone call alerting the guys that they needed to meet at the hospital. When they finally made it they parked the vehicle and walked inside. Jungkook was quiet as he watched Yoongi ask about YN and Jimin. The nurses directed them to their location where they could meet up with the group.

Walking towards the room, Jungkook was met with a multitude of faces and plenty of tears. Each of the guys was there but so were YN's parents. Each group member took their turn hugging JK and offering him solace but the one to finally break him down was Lillie, YN's mom.

No words were said as the older woman embraced him. "It's ok to cry sweetheart, let it all out." She whispered in his ear as she stroked her hands through his hair. He felt her arms tighten around him as the dam on his emotions broke once again. He sank to his knees and wrapped his arms around her waist, burying his head in her abdomen.

"I'm sorry Lillie, I'm sorry, I couldn't protect them well enough." He cried.

"Baby, this is not your fault" She whispered into his hair "It's not your fault, that hateful man did this and now he's going to get what he finally deserves. The doctor should be out soon with an update for both of them ok? It's the worst not knowing but we know YN should be fine for sure."

This made Jungkook feel worse even though he knew the words were meant to be reassuring. He felt terrible because some small part of him couldn't help but feel relief at knowing that his girlfriend and child were mostly unharmed. Just then he heard the sound of footsteps coming down the hall. Looking up he saw the doctor approaching them.

"Family of YN?" He asked.

"Us," Lillie stated.

"So it looks like YN is going to be ok. I'm sorry it took so long, we needed to run a few tests to make sure both her heart and the baby were alright after such an ordeal. As you know, putting the body through something like that can be extremely strenuous and can cause complications. We want to keep her here overnight just for observation to make sure everything is fine." The doctor replied, "Now for the family of Park Jimin?"

Namjoon stepped forward "It's still all of us."

"Right, then he is currently in surgery, he's lost a lot of blood. We are going to need to transfuse him I'm sure. I came to see if he had any blood relatives here, does he?"

"No," Namjoon responded "But I know YN, Taehyung, and I all have the same blood type. Can we donate just in case?"

"Yes, I'll take blood from you two first since you're perfectly healthy. I don't want to take blood from YN right now if at all possible. Let's hurry." With that, the doctor turned quickly on his heels motioning for Namjoon and Taehyung to follow him. As they set off to follow the doctor a nurse came out notifying them that they could go back and see YN.

With a flood of relief coursing through his body Jungkook immediately jumped up and ran to the room number that the nurse had stated. Barging through the door without any hesitation he could feel his pick up its pace at the beautiful face staring back at him. For the third time that day he broke down crying, he enveloped YN into his arms holding her as close as possible. As he held her he could feel her tears starting to soak his shirt.

"It's ok princess, I've got you. Everything is fine, he will never hurt you again." He whispered burying his nose in her hair. He couldn't help but breathe her in and let his hands roam over her body, reassuring himself that she was alive and still here. His hands finally came to rest on her belly, the swelling of her belly a comfort to him.

"Jungkook, what about Jimin? Where is he? Is he ok?" her questions came so quickly JK had to take a moment to process.

"He's in surgery, he may need a transfusion. The doctor took Namjoon and Taehyung back to donate and have on stood by. They didn't tell us the extent of the injury. We should know soon."

She nodded her head and laid it back against his chest. Jungkook however wanted to be closer to her, he shifted her forward and climbed up into the bed behind her. Once he got settled, he heard the door open, pulling her back against him to hold her close he watched as everyone filed into the room.

"Oh sweetheart," Lillie said with tears in her eyes "How are you?"

"I'm ok mama I promise, I was just more scared than anything. I'm still scared, have they said anything else about Jimin?"

"There hasn't been any news just yet but the other two boys should be coming back shortly. Just be patient, your Jimin is a fighter, he'll be just fine."

Just then they heard over the loudspeaker "Code Blue, Code blue,"

"Jungkook, that means someone is coding, someone is dying! Oh my God, what happens if it's Jimin?" YN frantically grasped at JK's hands to try and stand up.

Lillie walked over to the hospital bed to take a hold of her daughter's hands, "YN, sweetie, they won't call a code if he's in the OR still. They'll just try and help him. Just relax."

"But what if he dies mama, he'll die because of me!" she wailed, her heartbreaking for her best friend. Jungkook held onto her tighter trying to offer as much comfort as he could but not getting anywhere. Knowing he had to do something to calm her down he discreetly pressed the call button for the nurse. Within seconds a nurse came in, JK nodded towards YN's shaking figure and the nurse walked back out of the room for a moment. She returned with a syringe in one hand and walked over to the YN's IV.

JK watched the medicine go in and soothingly stroked YN's hair "Go to sleep princess, I'll wake you when we get news." Within a minute he felt her body go limp in his arms and he heaved a sigh of relief. Just when he thought he could settle in and take a break from all the emotion, the doctor reappeared in the doorway.

"Park Jimin's family?" he said, JK nodded. "I'm sorry..."

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