Chapter 13

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The lights went down and YN felt the anticipation ripple through the crowd as they awaited BTS' appearance on the stage. With fog and dancing lights, the center of the stage rose and the guys appeared. YN smiled to herself at how over the top and dramatic the entry was but she was excited to see the performance. She knew it was going to be amazing because of how much effort the men put into it beforehand. Their first song started and she intently watched the choreography and listened to the lyrics.

As the performance continued she had the chance to watch JK as he moved around on the stage. He was smiling and singing. She knew then at that moment that she didn't just like this man, she had gone and fallen head over heels for him. This thought took her breath away and she stumbled slightly, Kai was standing right next to her and caught her before she fell.

"YN are you ok, what's wrong," Kai asked.

"Nothing, it's nothing. I just realized something. I was just shocked." She shouted over the music. Little did she know, JK had been watching her the entire time. He had seen her lose her balance and he was concerned that she was having a medical issue. But his mind was immediately put at ease when Kai held up a thumbs up to let JK know that she was fine. Knowing she was ok, he continued along with the song. He knew Euphoria was up next and he was excited to perform the song, knowing full well who he was singing about.

Then the time came, it was time to sing Euphoria. As he began the song he looked out over the crowd but then let his gaze settle on the most important person there. He sang to YN briefly before the main stunt for the song came up. The song included JK being hoisted into the air and flying over the crowd. Everyone screamed and shouted as he took off and the feeling of adrenaline pumping through his system was breathtaking. Once the song was over they went down for a brief break to get ready for the second half of the show.

JK thought seriously about seeing if Kai could bring YN backstage right then but knew that he didn't have time to do all the things he wanted to do with her. So he took a deep breath, stretched his legs, and prepared for the second half of the concert. When he got back on stage his eyes immediately found her again. She was smiling up at him and he felt his heart trip in his chest. All he could think of was how beautiful she was. Then it was time for Baepsae, it was the second to last song of the night, the crowd always went wild for this song. As it came time to do the hip thrusts JK made sure to look right into her eyes as he thrust his hips and did the sexy choreography.

YN watched as JK continued to dance in front of her and just about died, this man knew the effect he was having on her body. She was getting wet just watching the way he thrust his hips and ran his hands up his thigh. God, it should be illegal for someone to look as good as he did at that moment, sweat glistening along his skin and his tongue darting out to lick his lips. It was unfair.

The song came to a close and it was time to perform Mikrokosmos. They sang their song for ARMY and told everyone good night. Then allowed the moving platform to take them back down the stage. JK knew that YN would be on her way back since he gave Kai specific instructions to bring her back as soon as the song ended. She rounded the corner with Kai in the lead. JK wasted no time in grabbing her and walking quickly towards one of the small supply closets. No one would look for him back here so he took his chance, he had been needy for her even before the concert began. He wanted his hands on her skin and her taste on his tongue. Pulling her into the small room he shut and locked the door. Pressing her back against it he immediately cupped her jaw and brought her lips to his.

YN tasted the salt on his skin as he kissed her. Her hands immediately pushed up the back of his shirt and she let her hands glide across his sweat-slicked skin. "Jungkook" she moaned.

"Princess, you can't make a sound. I need you to be quiet for me. We don't want to get caught." He whispered in her ear as he started to undo the buckle of her pants. He pulled them down just enough so that he could feel the wet hot heat of her. "God baby, you're already so wet." He kissed his way down her throat as he plunged two fingers inside her. He heard her gasp for air and knew she was about to moan again. He reached up and covered her mouth with his free hand as his other continued to work her into a frenzy. "Shhhh, princess." He whispered to her. She moaned again but the sound was muffled. "Do you like that?" He asked, and she nodded her head. "I'm going to own all of you before we are through tonight, every inch of you belongs to me." All YN could do was nod again as his fingers moved inside of her faster.

JK pulled away from her and pulled her pants down even more before kneeling in front of her and taking her into his mouth. The taste of her exploded on his tongue and he could feel himself getting harder. He licked into her heat and brought his fingers up to play, moving in and out slowly as his tongue circled her clit. Her hands fisted in his hair and he knew she was about to come. He stood up, turned her around, and thrust into her. Feeling her tighten around him was almost his undoing but he wanted to ride her hard. This was all he could think about while he was on stage and watching how she looked at him with hungry eyes.

YN was in ecstasy, JK was railing her harder than he had and it was amazing. She felt his hands move along her back and to her hair, he fisted his hand in it and pulled her head back. He was dominating her and it made her knees go weak. "Yes Jungkook, yes, please" she moaned. She felt her climax build and when he whispered "Come for me sweetheart" she shattered. JK kept driving into her as he felt her clench around him. He pulled her up to almost standing as he continued thrusting into her and bit down hard on her throat to keep himself from moaning as he came inside her.

They stood there for a moment, JK with his arms around her supporting her on weakened legs. Kissing her neck he whispered the words he felt right then. "I love you". There was no denying it, he knew he loved the woman in front of him. Many people would say it was too soon, or that it's just lust, not love. But he knew, he knew he would go to the ends of the world for the woman in his arms and he was going to show her every chance he got. What he didn't expect, however, were the words that left her mouth in response "I love you too JK."

Turning her around he looked into her eyes and saw the truth to her words. "When did you know?" he asked.

"Tonight, while watching you perform." She responded shyly.

"I do you know, I really do love you." He said pulling her close. "Let's get dressed so we can get out of here ok?" as he kissed her one more time. Taking her by the hand he led her out of the room and back towards the dressing rooms. They walked in and the guys turned around and looked at them.

"Welp JK just got laid," Tae said and everyone burst into laughter. JK just shook his head but didn't bother denying it. He actually had the audacity to look proud. YN simply flipped Tae off but shrugged it off. She had a feeling they would know anyways. This group were brothers not just friends and family had a tendency to tease you to death.

"On that note, can we go get something to eat now? I'm starving" Suga said. "And no, you two are not allowed to skip dinner. It's mandatory after a show to celebrate."

"Where do you guys want to go?" YN asked.

"Korean BBQ!" Shouted Jin

"Let's go then." Jimin said, as he walked over to YN he leaned over close to whisper "Your lipstick was the giveaway, it's smudged and most of it's gone." He winked and walked out the door.

YN looked up at Jungkook and took his hand. "Well, we have more than one thing to celebrate tonight don't we" as she leaned up and kissed his cheek.

"Exactly," he responded. "Let's go, the quicker we eat the faster we can get home for round two."

"Round two, really, you have energy after that?"

"Princess, be prepared to not be able to walk for a few days" he chuckled as he took her hand and led her out into the night.

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