-The first mission-

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3rd person pov

A column of smoke can be seen at the centre of a large bandit camp, they all have ditched their original weapons in favour of the imperial ones which only use dust powered batteries, meaning they don't lose money by paying for ammo. The leader of the bandits stepped out of his tent, he wore a worn-out sage green suit with a red tie, sage green trousers and dark green boots, on his hip was a sword made from dust steel, he had a red stubble and a shaven head.

Crimson: prepare the crates for the atlas pick up!

He ordered as a few bandits were moving stolen crates that held the imperial logo on the side.

The bandits were going about their normal duties when a strange sound echoed through the valley, Crimson's face went pale white upon hearing the sound before running to his tent and setting off the alarm for the camp.

Crimson: prepare for battle the empire has found us.

Vader's shuttle landed on one of the tents, the inhabitants' screams filled the air before squelching as it crushed them.

The ramp then launched from the bottom of the shuttle all the bandits open fire on the ramp which had filled the area under the shuttle with smoke, the shuttle mounted guns then unleashed fire upon the bandits launching some of them ten feet through the air, then the clones dived out of the smoke and slaughtered any bandits that got in their way, then came a sound that filled Crimson with pure terror.


A black armoured figure appeared from the ramp, his aura made every bandit shiver in fear. He walked towards Crimson's tent before a group of bandits with better training than the others jumped out and started firing at Vader who pulled one of them in front of him, using his semblance, he then moved the man's body to block all the bullets, he then threw the body at the others stunning them, drawing his heated katana before slicing through the nearest bandit with an upwards slash before stretching out his hand and pulling another bandit onto his blade killing him brutally, his pitiful scream disturbed his peers who shouted in fury before they all charged Vader who lifted the imperial crates and sent them into his incoming attackers pummeling some of them to death, he then marched through them cutting each of the bandits that were still alive, the last bandit tried to flee but he came to a halt when he saw a crimson katana blade poking out of his chest, the blade then flew back to the palm of its owner.

Vader: all too easy.

He said before entering Crimson's tent, the 501st troopers were slightly disturbed by the show of brutal efficiency shown by Vader.

Inside the tent, Crimson jumped at Vader catching the dark lord off guard he swung his sword breaking the helmet and revealing the scared head beneath it, Vader's eyes were stained a sick yellow as his scarred face twisted in rage as the adrenaline started to kick in, before jumping away and throwing a grenade at Vader who using his semblance got it a few feet away from himself saving his life but damaging the suit even further.
The suit was now missing part of the chest unit as well as the robe that sat next to it, the pauldron was shattered, the right arm was exposed revealing y/n's original prosthetic the glove still covered the hand but was torn off above the wrist his fist was clenched tightly around the hilt of the katana, his cape had been torn in half, Vader was also missing his left shin guard. The breathing sounded broken as it released a wheezing sound with every breath.

Vader still carried marching towards Crimson who fleed from the tent terrified of the monster that just tanked a grenade, he brought out his sword and prepared for Vader's inevitable assault.

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