Part 69: we can be heroes

Start from the beginning


Even with Sarah's company and the boys asleep on both of their laps, it's difficult to focus. Sarah seems to understand. They both check their phones almost constantly as they jot down recipes that they think would work with the menu. The television flashes to another news anchor.

"We have breaking news. There's a complete lockdown at the GRC meeting in Lower Manhattan where authorities are saying they're tracking multiple threats from groups seeking to stop the GRC's vote on global resettlement. There is a no-fly zone in effect, and the NYPD has the area secured for the moment. Everyone is urged to stay clear."

Shannon gulps.

"That no-fly zone isn't going to stop Sam and Bucky," Sarah tells her.

Shannon's phone rings. Bucky. Clumsy, shaking fingers fumble to answer it.

"Buck?" She squeaks.

His voice is tense, coiled like a spring.

"Are you all right?"

"Yeah, we're at the house. What's going on?"

"Who are you with?"

"Sarah, the boys, Ace, and Alpine."

"I want you to lock all of the doors and windows. Shut the curtains, take everyone upstairs into the bedroom. There are two pistols in my suitcase. You and Sarah each take one. Safety is on. They're already loaded."

Her eyes lock with Sarah's, who looks confused and terrified.

"Did he say pistols?" She asks. "Did I hear that right?"

Shannon nods.

"Bucky... what's going on?"

"Karli's threatened to hurt you. I don't know if she has people in the area, but I need you to stay alert and keep yourselves safe. Understand?"

Her heart is hammering wildly against her ribcage. She can't fight Super Soldiers. What the hell would she do? Curl into a ball and scream?

"Shannon," Bucky demands. "I need to hear you say you understand me."

She takes a long, deep breath.

"Yeah. Yeah, I understand."

"Do exactly as I tell you, Shan. Please."

"I will. I promise."

"I love you. I'll be home soon."

"I love you too."

He hangs up.

"We have to close the curtains, lock all of the windows, and take the boys upstairs."

"On it," Sarah says. "I'll grab them, you lock up."

They two of them scramble around the house, abandoning their half-drunk wine glasses and the television. Sarah wakes up the boys and tells them that they have to sleep upstairs. Cass asks if there's a TV up there.

"You can watch TV on your tablet," Sarah replies as Shannon locks the front and back doors, along with every window, drawing the curtains. As she pulls them closed, she looks outside, scouring the darkened front yard for any sign of movement. Nothing. Maybe Karli's bluffing. Still, she won't take any chances. She grabs Alpine off of the couch and whistles at Ace to follow her. The animals seem to sense the tension in the house and are more than happy to follow.

They huddle in the bedroom. The boys turn on their tablet to the news.

"I don't know if that's such a good idea," Shannon says.

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