Part 60: far from home, but we're so happy

Start from the beginning


Bucky stops and turns around. She's gorgeous, with a huge smile on her face. Her hair flows down her shoulders in big, loose waves and her eyes are huge, sparkling in the sunlight that shines through the window. She's in a blue half-shirt that exposes her soft belly and black denim shorts, her car keys dangling from her hand. They've only been apart for a little less than a week, but it feels like a lifetime. Bucky barrels toward her, dropping his bag and the suitcase on the ground as he picks her up in a bear hug and whirls her around. Their mouths collide and she lets out a squeal followed by a gentle sob.

"I missed you so fucking much," she whimpers. "I was so scared."

"God, I missed you, Shan."

He puts her down and grabs her face, kissing her the way he does just before they're about to fuck. It's demanding, hot, and he doesn't give a shit who's around to see it or how uncomfortable it makes them. Bucky is normally not a fan of public displays of affection, but he's making an exception for this woman. She melts into him, her fingers raking up and down his chest as though she wants to claw his shirt off. When he pulls away, she's flushed and breathless.

"Holy shit," she laughs.

"There's more where that came from, doll."

She reaches up and touches his face. He forgets that his nose was broken in the fight with Walker. And a black eye. Now it makes sense as to why the border guard was questioning him so much. He heals a little faster than normal, but not by much. Walker did a number on him.

"You're hurt."

"I'll be all right," he whispers.

She smiles. He's missed seeing it. It feels like seeing the stars for the first time in a long time. Bucky kisses her again, unable to get enough of her soft lips against his.

She reaches up and scratches his stubble that has now begun to grow into a full beard. It's not quite there yet, but it's getting close.

"You're getting a beard."

"Yeah," he laughs.

"I like it."

She leads him out to a rental car parked out front. It's got tinted windows. He can barely see inside. Shannon grins and leans on it. Bucky quirks an eyebrow.


"Put your bags in the back seat."

He gives her an incredulous look and opens the door, Ace and Alpine are staring at him. Bucky can't help the soft sob that comes out of his mouth, mixed with laughter. Shannon grins as she rubs his back.

"I called in one last favor from Oeznik."

Bucky crawls into the backseat, hugging both of them. Ace is receptive, but it takes Alpine a few minutes of swatting at him and yowling before she accepts his affection in the form of gentle scratches and soft kisses. Shannon giggles, sliding in next to him. The four of them sit in a huge pile in her backseat, laughing and cuddling each other. Bucky turns to her.

"I've missed you. All of you."

"They clearly missed you," Shannon chuckles, pressing a tender kiss to his lips. "I have too."

They drive to the hotel first. It feels good to be able to hold her hand as she drives and feel her fingers intertwine in his, even if his are metal. He notices that she doesn't even look at his arm as a prosthetic anymore, nor does she treat it like one. It's just a part of him.

"My mom booked us a penthouse suite so that we could have some privacy."

"Good," Bucky purrs, his hand sliding up her thigh. Shannon flushes. "I think I owe you some quality time."

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