Part 59: East of Eden

Start from the beginning

"Do you know why your dad and I don't fly an American flag on our lawn?"

Shannon shakes her head.

"Your dad was awarded a medal of honor in Vietnam. When he told me the story, he said they had a big celebration for him, and he almost didn't go. Did he ever tell you how he got that medal?"


Janice sighs and takes a deep breath.

"Your father led his troops into enemy territory where they slaughtered 200 people. Almost all of his friends died that day. So, all he sees when he looks at that medal is carnage and bodies, and blood. All he sees is a country that just let him down after he retired. He didn't have therapy or counseling for anything that he saw during that war. There was no support, no therapy groups like the ones Sam leads. They just threw your daddy a medal, called him a hero, and then hung him out to dry."

"But his medals are all over the house."

"Except for that one. It's in a drawer somewhere. He won't even look at it. Your dad always wanted to be a hero, but he didn't count the cost until it was already too late."

Shannon lets out a soft laugh as the waitress brings them their food. A tear rolls down her cheek.

"See, these are the kinds of conversations I can't have with Bucky."

"That's okay," Janice replies. "That's why you have me."

Janice's phone rings and she pulls it out of her purse. Her face falls and tears well in her eyes. Shannon feels her entire body stiffen.

"Put it on speakerphone," she whispers.

Janice nods and puts the phone down on the table.


"Hello, Mrs. Meyers? This is nurse Williams. I'm calling in regard to your husband."

"Oh, God..."

Her mother looks like she's about to fall over. Shannon grips her hand tightly, her fingers locking with Janice's. She takes a deep breath, encouraging her mother to breathe with her.

"No, no!" The nurse laughs. "It's not that. He's fine. I just... I was just calling about processing a payment on your account."

"A payment? What do you mean? We have insurance."

"I understand and it should cover the majority of the cost, but someone dropped off a check for a rather large amount and told me to keep it for you."

"How much?" Shannon asks.

"It's – it's for three million dollars, Mrs. Meyers." She laughs. "It's more than enough to cover the cost of all of his medical bills, and then some. You have a guardian angel out there somewhere."

The nurse's voice is hushed, and Janice begins to stammer.

"Wh--- we don't know anyone with that kind of money. It must be some kind of mistake."

"It's not, ma'am. Your name is written on the envelope and the check."

Her parents don't know anyone with that kind of money, but Shannon does. She feels like they're being watched. Shannon's head whips around the restaurant and catches Zemo's jacket as he's striding away. She puts her hand on her mother's forearm and whispers.

"Mama, I'll be right back."

She runs out of the bar and looks to her left. Zemo is standing in the lobby, his hands clasped in front of him. Shannon approaches with caution, her eyebrows knit together.

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