Part 56: Mr. Blue Sky

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Still, he worries. She's alone. She looks alone. He can see it written all over her face. At least he has Steve.

"Sharon, you could come with us. We don't necessarily have a plan, but at least the three of us could be together."

"I don't think teaming up while on the lam is the best option," she chuckles. "I don't know why you and Rogers are still travelling together. It's a huge risk."

Sam is quiet. They're jumping from state to state, country to country, using fake passports, aliases, and everything at their disposal. Neither of them are spies, but Romanoff helps out when she can – mostly telling them to stop being so fucking obvious.

"You're supposed to sneak around, not look like you're sneaking around."

They both suck at this. Steve has grown a beard and grown out his hair while Sam has ditched most of his wardrobe in favor of hoodies, sunglasses, nondescript baseball caps, and jeans. Anything to stay as inconspicuous as possible. They rarely leave their chosen safehouses. Only for supplies, food, and emergencies. He hasn't spoken to his sister in a month. It's killing him.

Still, he and Steve try to make the most of their life on the run. Sam steals cable (much to Steve's displeasure.

"It's dishonest, Sam!"

Sam teases him that his "goody-two-shoes" attitude is going to give them away. Steve rolls his eyes and mumbles under his breath. They watch football and drink beer, trying to pretend that they don't look out the windows every five seconds to make sure that a van isn't pulling up to take them into custody.

But at least they have each other.

Sharon sighs.

"I'm sorry. You want a drink?"


He doesn't know why she's apologizing. She's right.

Sharon grabs a bottle of whiskey off of the dresser. Sam can't help but notice that there's another one sitting in the trash. He doesn't say anything. It's not his place to. He just wanted to see her with his own eyes and make sure that she was still Sharon. She pours him a generous amount and another for herself. They sit on the floor.

"I wanted to make sure you were okay."

"I know," she whispers. "I'm not."

"I know."

She sighs softly, looking at the amber liquid and swirling it in her glass as though she's going to find the solution to all of their problems inside of it.

"This is all fucked," she whispers.

Sam doesn't know what to say. All he can do is nod.

"I'm sorry it turned out this way."

"Me too," she replies. "But, hey. We did the right thing. Barnes is safe... for now, at least. I guess Steve got what he wanted."

Sam heard everything from Steve about Bucky.

"It's like you said," Sam tells her. "We did the right thing."

"And now we pay the price," she mumbles. "I can't talk to my mom and dad. I've never gone more than a week without calling them."

"I haven't talked to my sister or my nephews in a month."

"I don't mean to compare," Sharon mumbles.

"I know you don't, Sharon. It's not about that."

Sam puts his hand on her knee and immediately, the energy in the room shifts. She looks at him with a kind of desperation. She needs someone – maybe him. She and Steve had a thing, but that seems to have cooled off.

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