Part 50: Centuries

Start from the beginning

"More like liquid cocaine," she mumbles. "I'll take it, though."

He grins.

Shannon cracks the Red Bull and guzzles it like it's a beer before she changes into a sports bra and a pair of high-waisted black shorts. She wears them when she goes running sometimes. They're his favorite. Everything she wears is his favorite. She even looks good in her sweatpants with four holes in each thigh that she refuses to throw out because they're comfortable.

Bucky takes a deep breath, trying his best not to get turned on at the very sight of her. It's a losing battle.

They hit the pavement. Bucky makes her run ten miles. Shannon complains the entire time, huffing and puffing behind him as he jogs with ease. For her, it's more of a sprint, and she's all too happy to remind him of that. Bucky merely teases her about her high school track career, and she tries to jump on his back and force him to carry her for the last mile.

By the time they get back, she's covered in sweat and her cheeks are tomato red from trying to keep up with him. He leads her to the gym. Shannon stands in front of him, shoving her hair into a ponytail that sits on top of her head.

"Wrap it tighter," he suggests. "In one of those bun things."


"You don't want me grabbing loose hair."

She smirks.

"Maybe I'm into that."


It's a warning that she should take this seriously, but also a reminder to himself. He should teach her everything she needs to know first, and then maybe they can fall into a heap on the floor and fuck each other senseless once her lesson is over.

God, what is this woman doing to him? He didn't use to be like this – not all the time, at least.

"Okay, okay. I'll take this seriously."

"You were the one who wanted these lessons," he reminds her.

She takes a deep breath and nods.

"I know. And I appreciate it, Buck. I hope I never have to use these."

"Me too," he replies. He claps his hands together. "But, better safe than sorry, right?"

"Right," she chirps with a big smile.

"We'll start with push-ups, sit-ups, and then we'll launch into your training."

Shannon whines.

"Why push-ups?"

"I wanna see where you're at."

"We just ran ten miles! I bitched the entire time!"

"And walked."

"AND WALKED! I'm pretty sure you know where I'm at," she exclaims.

"Drop and give me 50," Bucky orders with a massive grin.

"This sucks," Shannon grumbles. She shoves a finger in his face. "You? Suck!"

Bucky steps toward her and grasps her chin, his lips hovering over hers.

"I plan on heavily rewarding you after today's session," he purrs.

Her eyes bug out of her head and her jaw drops. She stammers softly.

"I could give it a shot. I'll – I'll give it a shot."

His lips curl into a devilish smile.

"Good girl." He steps back and points at the mat. "Now drop, soldier."

Trying Your Luck - Bucky BarnesxOCWhere stories live. Discover now