Part 38: Better Man

Start from the beginning

Bucky knows it's a joke, but he can't help but feel like there's an ounce of worry in Sam's voice. He tries to laugh it off.

"Dr. Raynor gave me three rules to follow for my list of amends."

"Which are?"

"Don't do anything illegal, don't hurt anyone, and to make the apology. But I won't be apologizing to that shitbag."

Sam grabs the fork out of Bucky's hand and takes a huge bite of cake.

"If we're going to do this, we can't make it harder for Shannon. We get him to drop the adultery lawsuit. That's the priority. That kind of shit could mess with your pardon, Buck."

"I know."

They both fall into a long, somewhat uncomfortable silence. Sam keeps watching Bucky like he's not sure what's going to happen second to second. Bucky hates that look - it's the look he's gotten from everyone his entire life. Well, everyone who knows about his past, anyway. It's a look that tells him that he can only be trusted to a certain point; that when shit hits the fan, everyone expects him to launch into Winter Soldier mode. There is a part of him that wants to, but it sits in the deepest, darkest part of himself that Bucky never wants to unearth again. He's a different man now. That much he knows for sure. Bucky's jaw clenches.

"Stop looking at me like that, Sam."

"Like what?"

"Like I'm a ticking time bomb."

"I didn't say that."

"You were thinking it."

Sam frowns.

"Why do you always assume the worst about people?"

Bucky lets out a hollow laugh.

"I don't know, Sam. Maybe because I've been the personification of someone's worst nightmare my whole life? I've got a lot of experience in that field, you know."

"Well, I wasn't thinking that you were a ticking time bomb."

"Then what were you thinking?"

"That it's almost 2 in the morning and we could both use some sleep."

Bucky sighs and rubs his face.

"I'm sorry, Sam."

"Hey, man," Sam replies as he scoops up the cake and puts what's left of it in the fridge. "You're stressed out. I get it. But don't let that cloud your judgment. We'll grab intel on this dude and we'll take care of this the right way, okay?"

He holds out his hand and Bucky grasps his forearm, pulling him into a hug that seems to take Sam by surprise.

"Thank you," he whispers.

"I got your back. Even if you are a pain in my ass."

Bucky shoves him away and swats him on the arm.

"Good night, Buck."


He takes one more swig of whiskey before he puts it back into the cupboard and heads upstairs. When he pushes open the bedroom door, Shannon is on her side with her back to him. Bucky creeps into the bathroom to splash some water on his face and brush his teeth. He changes into a pair of sweatpants and a tank top and hears Shannon's voice.

"You're going after Will when we get back, aren't you?"

"I thought you'd be asleep."

She rolls over to face him.

Trying Your Luck - Bucky BarnesxOCWhere stories live. Discover now