"Man, you need a new phone," Sam laughs when he picks up.

"Are you conspiring with my girlfriend?"

"Girlfriend?!" Sam shouts. "Girlfriend! Wait, we gotta talk about —"

"I'll see you at the restaurant."

He closes the phone and stares at himself in the mirror.

"You just keep walking into this stuff, you big idiot."

Bucky heads out the door and takes the train to the restaurant. Sam is waiting outside for him, grinning and shaking his head. Bucky sighs as he approaches.

"Man, this woman has you messed up, Buck!"

"Can we just have lunch?"

Sam chuckles.

"Of course, of course. Shannon texted me, she got the hostess to save us a table near the kitchen."

Bucky follows him inside. Sam leans up against the hostess counter with a flirtatious grin. The hostess giggles, tucking her hair behind her ear.

"For two?"

"Yeah," Sam purrs. "We actually know Shannon. She said she had a table for us."

Bucky rolls his eyes as the hostess gives them a knowing nod and gestures for them to follow her inside. Sam looks giddy as they approach the table. The place is beautiful. Soft lighting, clean white tablecloths adorned with fresh flowers. There are a few tables packed with people in nice clothes.

"Jesus," Bucky whispers. "You're so embarrassing."

"You love it."

"I don't," Bucky growls as he takes his seat.

She puts down different menus than the ones everyone else in the restaurant is using.

"These are normally only for private clients, but Shannon said she would make either of you whatever you wanted from here." The waitress turns to Bucky and sticks her hand out. "You must be James. Shannon has not stopped talking about you. Like, for weeks. We were wondering if we were ever going to meet you."

Bucky looks around to see the rest of the wait staff lingering by the kitchen door staring at him with curiosity.

"Really?" Sam asks. "Interesting."

Bucky resists the urge to roll his eyes and shakes the hostess's hand.

"Nice to meet you, uh..."


Sam immediately cuts in with that stupid smile again.

"Carrie. I'm Sam Wilson."

"The Falcon?" She gasps.

"That's right!"

He grins as Bucky focuses on the menu, trying to resist the urge to smack Sam with his metal arm. He'll never admit it, but he gets a kick out of being Avenger, and the glory that comes with it. He mostly uses it to pick up women or get free food. Tony would be proud. Steve would scold him for not using his high-profile identity responsibly.

"That's so cool," she gushes before clearing her throat, suddenly remembering her professionalism. "Do you guys want something to drink?"

"Water is fine," Bucky rumbles.

Sam nods and the hostess trots to the back. Before he can get another word out, Shannon comes tearing out of the kitchen with their drinks in her hands. She's in a fitted black t-shirt and very tight black pants with black sneakers. She plunks the drinks down on the table and gives Bucky a kiss on the cheek. He feels his face heat up and grins.

Trying Your Luck - Bucky BarnesxOCWhere stories live. Discover now