Part 12: Puppy Love

Start from the beginning

"Bucky. It's me. I'm here."

"Sh — Shannon."

"Shhhh. It's okay. It's okay. You're in my room, in my apartment, and I'm right in front of you. It's okay. You're okay. Do you see me? Can you feel me?"

He nods as he hurtles back to earth. Moonlight pours in from the window, illuminating her. He sees her eyes, wide and filled with worry. Bucky shivers against her.

"Breathe," she whispers. "With me, okay?"

She takes a deep breath. He mimics it and holds it with her until she exhales.

"One more."

They repeat the process and his body begins to calm down.

"How do you know how to do this?" He asks.

"Because I used to get panic attacks after the snap," she replies. "It's what the Zoloft is for."

His body collapses into hers and she holds him, leaning over to turn on the lamp on the nightstand. Bucky closes his eyes, turning his head away from the light and he buries his face in her bare shoulder.

"I can't shake these nightmares," he breathes. "I was shooting. I felt it — my hand."

He holds up his right hand and feels Shannon link her fingers in his.

"That's not you anymore. Remember?"

"I remember."

"And you're safe."

"I'm safe."

She holds him like she would cradle a child, his head on her chest and his arms wound firmly around her. Bucky breathes slowly, his body eventually calming down completely. Shannon is quiet as she runs her fingers through his hair and massages his scalp.

"I just want it to stop," he mumbles.

"I know," she whispers.

He doesn't remember falling asleep and when he wakes up, Shannon is passed out with her head slumped against the headboard. Bucky looks at the clock 9am. His body aches and he's exhausted, yet wide awake at the same time. He shakes her gently.



"Do you work today?"

"No," she mumbles.

He strokes her cheek.

"Did you stay up for me?"

"Imade sure youfellasleep," she slurs. "Nomorenightmares."

He kisses her on the forehead and slides her back down onto her pillow. She rolls over, falling back into unconsciousness. Bucky crawls out of bed and puts what he's pretty sure are her sweatpants on. The bottoms of them hit his calves, but the waist fits. He stumbles into the living room and plunks down on the couch beside Ace.

"Thanks for the talk last night, buddy."

Ace yawns and stretches, resting his head on Bucky's thigh. He fiddles with the remote before glancing back down at Ace.

"You don't know how to change the channels on this thing, do you?"

Ace grunts, his eyes closing. Bucky frowns.

"Lotta help you are..."

He finally figures it out after messing with the remote for five minutes. Once the TV is on, all he has to do is press the channel button. Bucky pads over to the kitchen and puts on a pot of coffee. When he looks up, Sam is standing on the balcony waving at him. Bucky sighs. He storms toward the patio and rips the door open.

Trying Your Luck - Bucky BarnesxOCWhere stories live. Discover now