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Turning around, I am faced with Jungkook. Why do I feel embarrassed? Guilty?

He returns to the sink and speaks.

"So... it's complicated." He says with something in his voice I just can't grasp.

Damn it, my hands are sweating. I definitely feel guilty, but why? I haven't done anything wrong. I haven't!


"Do you want to share?"

"Not really." I say, picking up the large pan from the side of the sink and drying it.

"Things shouldn't be complicated." He says, looking straight into my eyes, his hair falling over his, hands in the soapy water. Now I'm blushing.

"Sometimes they are. Life is not always straight forward." I grab a bowl from the drainer and dry it looking away, thinking about Jihoo and our relationship, the struggle, the pain, the pressure and in site of all this, the love we have (maybe we had, I'm not quite sure) for each other.

"It shouldn't. Not with someone like you."

"Someone like me?"

"You know." He looks up at me and I feel intimidated by his eyes travelling my face and my body. "Smart. Beautiful. Sexy." Why is he breathing in deeply, bulking his pecs and licking his lips with that smirk on his face?

"Wow! Okay smooth talker. I'm gonna have to stop you right there." I am faced with his stunned round eyes again now. "I am very flattered by your remarks. Believe me! No woman ever hears this kind of stuff enough, and definitely not from a gorgeous man like you but..."

"Do you want me to stop? 'Cause somehow it sounds like you don't."

"I don't want you to get the wrong impression."

"The impression I have is that things are complicated which means that I might still have a shot."

"Ha! What? No!" A shot?!? What does he...? Surely not. I can't believe how shamelessly upfront he is. I'm so embarrassed. "I'm flattered..." Wait! Is he messing with me?

"Yes you said. Fine. Tell me. Why is it complicated?" Is he really asking me to tell him about my love life?

"Don't take it the wrong way but I don't think it's any of your business."

"You'll find that it is, because, even though so far you've said you're flattered and you didn't want me to get the wrong idea, you haven't really said you weren't interested. I believe your words were 'gorgeous man'?" He says with an arrogant grin which comes across more in a joking way than serious.

Did I not say...? I thought... when... and... I guess I did compliment him but I thought I also discouraged him. What does that say about me?

My face must be a picture because he chuckles, wiping his hands with my tea towel, now that he's done with washing up.

Leaning on the sink he waits. I don't have a choice do I? Maybe once I explain he'll realise I am too complicated, a lost cause that he should definitely not get involved with.

"You're gonna change your mind about me."

"Try me."

"There are two men in my life already. I don't need more reasons to get confused." This revelation doesn't seem to phase him.

"You said it was complicated so you are not settled with these two guys. Come on. Expand. I'm all ears."

"Well... I was in a passionate relationship with that guy. His family is powerful and didn't accept me because of where I come from. They sent him away to the US so we broke up and he is now back in Seoul but circumstances are the same as before, so I'm not sure what to do. I am also currently... how to best describe this... being courted by a wonderful but very shy, reasonable and responsible man."

"Sounds boring."


"What about the passionate guy?"

"He was supposed to join me this weekend but had to cancel."

"Loser." He whispers.

"Wow! You have a lot to say about my love life!"

"I'm just saying. You don't cancel a romantic or... passionate weekend away with a woman like you. That's pure stupidity. The other guy, how long has he 'courted' you?"

"I don't know... about six months?"

"Six months? Oh I see! It's a long distance thing right?"

"No. I see him very often actually."


"What's that 'oh' for?"


"Spit it out!"

"How can a guy contain himself seeing you every day, if he likes you? If it was me... and it was reciprocal obviously, you'd already be my girlfriend." He whispers that last part, hiding behind his luscious locks, looking at the floor.

"I see." I blush at his shy reaction. "Well... it's not you, so..." Great, now it's awkward.

"I'm sorry if I overstepped boundaries. You're our guest and I shouldn't be openly flirting with you or making you feel uncomfortable." Wise words. "I just think you're gorgeous." Damn. "And cute." Okay, I think that's enough now. "And sexy." I cough which makes him laugh. "Smart and funny..."

"What was it about overstepping boundaries?"

"I like to tease... and try my luck. I seriously think you're wasting your time with these two. Things should be easy."

"You are unbelievable!" I say slightly irritated now.

"Well thank you."

"It wasn't meant as a compliment."

"I'll take it as one. At least I can tell I'm making an impression." Is he referring to my burning cheeks? Is it that visible?"

"Please stop."

"You'd have a better time with..."



"Stop!" I say trying to cover his mouth with my hand as he makes himself tall, forcing me to lean on him.


"Please stop it!!" Is he holding my waist? I didn't realise I got so close to him.


"What about 'you' Jungkookie?" Jimin asks curiously, his sudden arrival making me jump away from Jungkook filled with embarrassment.

"Nothing!" I hurry, hoping he won't say a word.

"What did you do Kookie? I can see Taeyi is blushing."

"I just said I was..."

"Please stop. I beg you." I plead.

"I'm sorry. As I said, I like to tease."

"I assume you have plans this afternoon so I will go back to my place."

"Is our maknae scaring her away?" Taehyung asks as he enters the kitchen now.

"What did you do, kiddo?" Jin adds.

I do feel like he's going to have an earful of grief and I feel a little guilty.

"No! I just came here for some alone time, time to reflect. I do enjoy your company and I feel very welcomed. I just have important decisions to make and I need some time to myself. You have a lovely afternoon." I say bowing and smiling while putting left over ingredients in my bag.

Saying my farewell to them all, Namjoon stops me.

"Will you join us for dinner tonight? We're getting take away and having a movie night."

"I don't want to impose myself."

"You're not. It's nice to have company and you get on well with everyone. It's refreshing." He smiles attacking me with his dimples... Hyeseong has dimples too.

"That's very kind of you."

"It's the least we can do after the feast you prepared for us."

"It was my pleasure. I will see you later tonight. Enjoy the afternoon."

I said stop overthinking // Jungkook Where stories live. Discover now