Chapter 62: Do you Have the Courage to Compare Items?

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“What’s going on?”

“I think they’re killing Andariel?” Bai Lang couldn’t sit still in his seat. “Come on, let’s go take a look!”

“They’re killing Andariel?”

“They’re so far into the game!”

“Is it our kids?” Ouyang Zhen looked towards An Cheng as he said to An Huwei and Bu Lei.

“Should we go look?”

“What’s going on?” Jiang Xiaoyue followed the crowd in curiousness as well.

Soon, a group of people surrounded An Cheng and the others.


“Two gold unique Items, two yellow rare Items and… a green item?”

“Let me see. Aren’t yellow rare items better than blue magic items, and gold unique items are better than yellow rare items, right? What’s a green set item?”

It was normal that they had never seen green set items since these items were scarcer than rare and unique items.

“Come on, let me try first!” Nalan Hongwu picked up the items and placed them onto his body. He laughed and said, “Let me experience these amazing items first before distributing them to you all!”

After putting on the new items, Nalan Hongwu’s entire body was equipped with yellow rare and gold unique items. The lines of property descriptions left everyone dumbstruck as they all looked at him with envy and jealous.

Nalan Hongwu burst out laughing as he shook the armor on his body. “What do you think? Do you think I can pass Act II with these Items?”

“Grandpa, you’re too wise and powerful!” Nalan Jie was first to respond, “We can’t compare with you.”

Upon seeing this, Nalan Mingxue froze.

What is going on? It’s only been a few days since I came last came, but Grandpa and Older Brother are both here at Fang Qi’s internet café? Moreover, Grandpa passed Act I?

Lan Yan was dumbfounded as well. “The Family Leader has many good items?”

Just then, a voice sounded at the wrong time, “Are gold unique items the best? The stupid owner has a lot of those…”

It was Jiang Xiaoyue.

When she was bored, she would watch Fang Qi play Diablo.

She watched him play for a while yesterday and noticed that all of Fang Qi’s items were written in gold.

What she said immediately created a thousand ripples.

“What items? We got so many items! How can our items not be better than his?” An Cheng was the first to doubt Jiang Xiaoyue. After all, they had just passed Act I!

Therefore, he glared at Jiang Xiaoyue with disdain. “Little girl, you don’t even play the game, how would you know?”

Jiang Xiaoyue thought, Just because I don’t play doesn’t mean I can’t watch the owner play!

“How good can his items be? Are all his items gold unique items?” An Huwei didn’t believe her as well.

After all, the items Nalan Hongwu had on him right now were the best that he had ever seen!

“I bet all his items are all flashy low-level items,” An Cheng said with contempt, “Those aren’t even as good as high-level blue magic items.”

“Yeah, if you don’t understand the game, you shouldn’t say anything,” Ouyang Cheng chimed in.

“Where’s the owner?” An Cheng glanced around and immediately saw Fang Qi who was sitting in a corner.

Then, a team of players stormed towards him!

Fang Qi had just obtained rune #9 and finished his quest. He went back to the encampment, opened his storage box, and took out the grey shield that had three holes on it; it took a long time for him to collect everything.

“Eight, nine, ten…” He placed the runes in order and finally dropped his blue magic shield which he had been using for the longest time.

Just then, he noticed a bunch of people behind him.

Confused, he asked, “Why are you all here?”

“Owner, that little girl said that you have good items.” Nalan Hongwu glared at him. “Let’s compare!”

Although he knew Fang Qi was already level 18, the map of this remake version was significantly bigger than the original, and it had more monsters on it than ever.

Therefore, after passing Act I, Nalan Hongwu had reached level 16, and he was about to catch up to Fang Qi.

Right now, he borrowed the groups gold unique items, and he couldn’t believe it when Jiang Xiaoyue said that Fang Qi’s items were still better.

Unconvinced, Nalan Hongwu asked, “Do you have the courage to compare items?”

“You want to see my items?” Confused, Fang Qi glanced at him and opened his items bar.

Helm: Nadir Helm (Runeword armor, unique item)

Armor: Stealth Chain Armor (Runeword)

Weapon: Malice Crystal Sword (Runeword)

Shield: Ancient’s Pledge Shield (Runeword)

Upon seeing all the gold unique items and the rows and rows of powerful properties, Nalan Hongwu was immediately petrified!

“What kind of items are these?”

“At least half of them are gold unique items!”

“Where did you get them, Sir?”

Shocked by what they saw, the other players attacked him with questions!

“Sir, you passed Act II already?”

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