09 • Soft

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Reminder that this is a MATURE story, and if you can't handle certain euphemisms for genitalia or naturally occurring bodily features (hair, etc), then you probably shouldn't be reading my story. No negative comments about that please. 💜

Millie hummed quietly to herself as she began sanitising the surgical instruments. She was expecting to be completely behind when it came to knowledge, considering all the other trainee nurses had at least a week ahead of her, but according to an older woman in her course, she hadn't missed much at all.

When she arrived this morning, only half of her class was present. She'd taken a quick liking to the older woman who introduced herself to Millie as Sheila Hilde.

According to Sheila, half the girls were picked to go do rounds with the matron, while the other half of the girls were told to stay back and clean. The hospital was reportedly very short staffed, so they had to take turns.

Millie stood with Sheila at their station, listening to the various chatters around her. She had left Steve about two hours ago, since she'd popped in before her shift to see how he was doing. Bucky was just about to leave for his own shift at a construction sight, and despite both his own worry and Millie's, Steve promised them both he was fine.

The truth was he genuinely did look better, his skin was less translucent and the dark blue eye bags he'd accumulated were starting to minimise. Not only was he physically looking better, but he sounded better and was stronger than before. Just a few days prior he could barely get out of bed, and his chest would rattle with his breath, but now he looked as if he just had a normal persons cold.

Millie had promised him that she'd swing by his apartment after her first day was over and cook him dinner, and of course, Steve tried to protest the latter part, telling her all he cared about was her having a good first day and if she wasn't too tired, he'd be more than happy for her to come see him, but he didn't want her to cook for him. He felt far too guilty.

Millie didn't mind, of course, in fact she kind of liked doing that kind of stuff for him. Her family was a modern one, but Millie still liked the idea of doing something for her significant other.

Significant other...

That's what Steve was to her and every time she thought about it, her heart did a somersault. That morning that she laid on his chest when he'd asked her to be his girl was one of the happiest moments of her life, and maybe to some that may seem sad, but Millie hadn't lived a particularly riveting life, so the fact that the boy she'd been falling for felt the same way, and wanted her in the same way, it made her heart swell.

She'd of course told her parents, but changed the story just slightly so they wouldn't know she'd stayed the night at his. She'd told them that on her way back from Sylvia's house, she'd stopped and saw Steve to check on him, and that's when he'd asked. Her parents were still protective of her, as much as they could be at least, but she knew that when they'd met Steve that some of their nerves had dissipated. Millie also knew that it was more than likely because of how he looked.

Millie hardly noticed the double doors swing open until Sheila had nudged her arm lightly. "Hm?"

"Let me introduce you to the others." Millie nodded and peeled off the latex gloves, throwing them into the bin.

As Sheila led her to the other half of the class, Millie instantly recognised one particular blonde girl that stood slightly taller than the others– Sylvia Wells.

As soon as Millie noticed her, Sylvia turned and faced her, eyes going wide. "Why hello there!" She chirped. "Fancy running into you here."

Sylvia looked cleaner today, not that she was particularly dirty looking before, but she had an almost professional look about her. Her long blonde hair was pulled back into a bun and her makeup was far neater.

𝚂𝚠𝚎𝚎𝚝𝚑𝚎𝚊𝚛𝚝 • 𝚂𝚝𝚎𝚟𝚎 𝚁𝚘𝚐𝚎𝚛𝚜Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon