42 • Birthday Girl

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A/N: scroll to the bottom A/N to see a photo of Millie's dress that I picture her wearing. I didn't include it in the above banner because it didn't fit in with the vibe haha.

"You gonna wear something sexy?" Nat asked through the phone as Millie sifted through the clothes rack in the thrift store.

Millie snorted. "I can practically hear you wiggling your eyebrows at me, Nat."

"You got me there, but seriously, what are you going to wear?" Millie was still in awe how far mobile phones had come, Tony getting her an iPhone for her birthday. "Steve was in a mood today so he will probably have to blow off some steam tonight."

Friday had come, Millie's hundredth birthday, and also her twenty-sixth birthday technically, was today and Steve had told her that he'd planned a big day for them all.

What Millie wasn't expecting was to wake up with an empty bed and a note on the kitchen counter from Bucky and Steve saying they were called in for a mission, a pretty serious one, and they couldn't get out of it.

"A mood?" Millie questioned, pulling out a sequinned dress and immediately putting it back, shaking her head to herself.

"Oh yeah, when I saw him off in the hangar this morning before they left he was a grumbling old man. Probably cause he's missing your birthday."

"His note said he'd be back by tonight, so he's not missing all of it. I'll see him in a couple hours."

"Are you disappointed though?"

Millie shrugged despite Nat not being able to see her. "I suppose in a way. He's the love of my life, so of course I want to be with him all the time, especially on special days. But this is his job, and I understand that too."

"You're a good egg, Millie Mae." Nat hummed. "Steve really is lucky."

"As am I." She smiled.

"Now, what are you wearing?"

As soon as Nat asked, Millie found an antique, moss green dress with a flared skirt and cinched waist– and it was her size. Millie struggled to find clothes her size even when she was in the 40s, so finding well preserved clothing from there in her size now was a miracle.

"Oh my gosh, Nat. I just found the most beautiful dress."

"You can't see me, but I'm rolling my eyes right now. I mean what are you wearing underneath, Elliot?"

"Oh," Millie frowned. "Uh, my regular underwear?"

"Jesus Chri– no."

The phone started beeping. "Hello? Nat?" Millie held the phone down and saw their called had ended. "Did she just hang up on me?" She asked herself.

Millie tucked the green dress under her arm and moved to the shoe section, finding a pair of kitten heels with ease.

Steve had mentioned he had a surprise for her, though she had no idea what. All he told her was to dress up, because he was planning on wearing a suit.

As Millie walked up the counter where an elderly woman worked, likely in her 80s, Millie smiled. "Hello," she chimed.

"Hello, dear. Find everything you wanted?"

"Absolutely." Millie felt a strange sensation come over her, a sort of sadness as she looked into the cloudy eyes of the old woman who definitely shouldn't still be working at her age. She was supposed to look like her right now.

Hell, she's supposed to be dead considering what she went through with Hydra.

The woman scanned the tag, holding it with her bony fingers as she shook. "My older sister had a dress just like this in lilac." She remarked. "I remember how beautiful she looked in it, and how when I grew up I wanted the dress to be passed down to me."

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