28 • Numb

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That's all I can hear, the rolling vibrations of wheels on a floor. Everything else sounds thick, distorted, like I'm under water.


I crack open my eyes and am met with blinding light, flickering, so white it almost looks blue. The stinging makes me scrunch my face up, squeezing my eyes closed.

Where the hell am I?

"Should we change her?" A man asked in a thick, Russian accent.

"Nein," a German man responded. " I like the nurses uniform, it's sort of sexy."

I attempt to move my arms and realise I'm strapped to a gurney, being wheeled down a hallways that almost looks like a hospital– if that hospital were abandoned.

"Are we going to be conducting the second part of the experiment?" The Russian asked as we burst through some doors, unaware that I'm awake.

"That won't be possible, gentleman..." another man's voice sounded with an indistinct accent. "We haven't actually acquired the serum yet, so we won't be using her to fight, as per Johann's orders. She is a woman, after all."

"Then, if I may ask," the German started. "Why did we go through all the trouble of bringing her here, Dr Zola?"

"She survived the hospital bombings, we believed her to be the only one however we quickly realised that was false. Many people were hiding in a shelter, but don't worry. We will find them." I could hear metal clanging, like something being set down on a metal table. "But, anyway, she survived and she saw everything. We couldn't risk her telling people about us, so Johann suggested we could use her to test our new memory loss machine."

"Why her? You have plenty of men lined up for the serum when you get it, why not use one of them?"

Cold hands find their way to my wrists and start to unbuckle my restraints. I try my best to appear as if I was still sleeping, out of fear.

"We cannot risk it on them, they have been hand picked and a test that goes wrong could ruin them for good." The two men put their arms around me and lifted me from the gurney to a metal table. "We will likely test the serum on her too, that is, if she survives this."

My eyes shoot open at the mention of my possible death and I panic, but am held down by the two burley soldiers who I assume are the German and Russian.

"Ah!" A short, frog like man bends over my face, blocking the surgical light above him. "Good morning, miss. How nice to meet your acquaintance."

"W-where am I?"

"Russia, but hopefully you won't remember that. What is your name?"

I didn't say anything, just balled up a wad of spit in my mouth and spat it right out onto his face, coating his glasses in my saliva.

"Right, so that's how it will be..."

He lowers down a strange metal contraption and places it around my head. I start kicking and trying my best to get up but the two soldiers have a tight grip on me.

"No!" I scream. "What are you doing to me?!"

No one answers.

"Please, let me go! You're hurting me!"

"Oh, it's going to hurt a lot more in a moment. I am truly sorry, my dear." He turns a dial on a machine and I can hear electricity whirring. "I know it seems scary, but you won't even remember the people you love soon. So there will be nothing to be sad about.

Images of Steve rushed through my mind, along with my parents, Bucky, Marco, and Sylvia.

Oh Sylvia.

Tears welled in my eyes, the overwhelming emotional sensations of fear and grief filling me up, unable to process anything else.

I have no idea where I am, who these people are, or why the hell they're doing this to me. I wish I was home, I want to go home!

I want to be with Steve.

I can't die here.

Oh god,
Oh god, ple-ease, no!



And then nothing, nothing but excruciating and agonising pain. Millie was no longer numb, instead she felt everything x100. It just never seemed to stop, even when the guards threw Millie to the stone floor of her cell, she could still feel the electricity zapping through her brain.

They told her she would forget, but she wasn't forgetting anything. She was still very much competent with her memories, but something told her she shouldn't let them know that.

The first few hours in the cell were spent screaming, rattling the metal bars and begging to be released. She was covered in poorly stitched up scars, and blood dripped from her temple where Dr Zolas machine pressed into her head. She didn't feel real.

Finally, a man came to Millie's cell and unlocked it. Millie ran to him, trying to push past him with all her might, but she was met with a firm grip on her wrist and a needle in her neck.

Slowly, her world started to shut down. Her vision became blurry and there was an impact on her knees, she realised after that it was because she couldn't keep herself up right and she collapsed.

In her drugged up state, while she was dragged by her hair to a dirty and mouldy mattress on the ground of her cell, she could only think of one thing.


A/N: short little filler chapter. Next one is longer :)

How did you like having a first person Millie POV? :) lmk

Peace and love,

-Lonah Lennox

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