39 • Tingles

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"Oh, Steve..." Millie hummed sweetly as he spun her around. "When did you get so good at dancing?"

Steve smiled as he twirled her into his chest. "I guess the serum really worked it's wonders on me."

The two swayed to 'let me call you sweetheart' as the sun went down, shining into their apartment.

He towered over her, his new body was positively mountainous compared to hers. She couldn't believe that they got to live out the rest of their lives together, without any fears of him dying from one of his many complications.

The war had been won a few years prior, and Steve and Millie spent most of their days hanging out with their friends, like going to Sylvia's, or picnics in the park with Marco and William.

Suddenly, Steve dipped Millie and started kissing her neck sensually, making her giggle. "Steve, stop! What if the kids come home and see?"

"They're at Bucky's for at least another hour." He smirked against her skin. "Let me love you, Millie Mae..."

And then everything went cold.

Millie was screaming and banging on the glass of the icy chamber, feeling like she was suffocating.

Slowly, her limbs became stiff and her skin started to crack, freezing her solid but the screams just didn't stop.

She felt like her head was going to explode as she thought 'no more, god, please no more!''


Millie's eyes fluttered open to the dark room, only being illuminated by the digital clock on the side table.

What a terrifying dream, or at least the end of it. The beginning was actually kind of perfect.

She was back in the 40s with Steve, except he was the size he is now, and they were dancing in their little old apartment. That part was beautiful, painfully so even. Waking up brought sadness and forced her to remember the truth.

That it wasn't the 40s.

That her friends were dead.

That she never got that family she wished for so badly.

But at least she had Steve.

The clock showed 8:24pm, Millie must've fallen asleep early on and was now more than wide awake, but Steve was no where to be found.

Following the sounds of the tv, Millie patted her feet along the halls of the wood floor until she was in the living room, where Bucky was lounging on the couch watching some old movie.

"Hey, little Mills." He sat up slightly, making some room for her."

"Hey, Bucky. Is Steve still on that mission?"

"Yeah, but he should be back any minute now. How are you feeling?"

Millie shrugged, not quite sure how she was feeling exactly. She was still shaken up from the very real feeling dream of being shoved back in that awful little box, and she was sad because a part of her wished the first part of her dream was real.

"I had a nightmare."

Bucky furrowed his brows. "Do you get them a lot?"

"I-I guess so. They're not that bad, but they're...they're still scary, I guess." A tear slipped out of her eye and she tried to quickly wipe it away but more just kept falling. "I'm sorry."

"Hey..." Bucky wrapped his arms around Millie and pulled her into a hug. "Why are you sorry, Mills?"

"Because I shouldn't be crying, they're not that bad." Millie knew Bucky went through nightmares every night, she often would walk past his room and hear him struggling and straining in his sleep.

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