31 • Distraction

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Time jump

Steve set the empty pints on the bar as the soldiers around him sang The Drunkard Song by Rudy Vallee.

"Where do they put it all?" the bartender asked and Steve shrugged with a smile, before turning on his heel to find Bucky.

He'd barely comprehended just what he did to find Bucky, putting on a brave face in order to seem like the cool and collected Captain America he was supposed to be.

The reality was something completely different. Instead, he was terrified. A part of Steve felt like his life was destined to be painful, and so he almost didn't believe that he found Bucky alive. A part of him worried that he was going to end up all alone.

He supposed that's why he'd been trying to take and interest in the women who pay him attention. Emphasis on trying.

No one had even come close to catching his eye, even though Bucky had started to suggest maybe it was time to move on, after all, it had been two years.

That being said, it still felt like yesterday to Steve. In some ways, he thought he'd completely processed Millie's death, but then the nights would creep in and he'd still find himself reaching out for her in a half asleep state.

His body, his brain wasn't letting him forget her. It was as if she had some sort of hold on him, and wasn't letting go. On the one hand, Steve didn't want to let her go. Hell, he sometimes dreamt that she was still out there– alive. But on the other hand, he wished he could move on because he hated how everyone looked at him so pathetically. Even Bucky, who knew and adored Millie, sounded so defeated whenever Steve would shoot him down at the mention of moving down.

Maybe it was time?

Steve found Bucky around the corner of the bar, sipping on a whiskey. He was drunk, Steve could tell, but thing with Bucky is that most people couldn't. He managed to hold onto that suave nature, that is, until he passes the point of no return.

"See?" Bucky spun on the bar stool. "Told you. They're all idiots."

Steve smiled and sat next to them. "And how 'bout you?" He asked, a hint of playfulness in his voice. "You ready to follow Captain America into the jaws of death?"

"Hell no. That little guy from Brooklyn who was too dumb enough to run away from a fight...I'm following him." Bucky sipped his drink and a sarcastic smirk grew on his face. "You're keeping the outfit, right?"

"You know what?" Steve replied. "It's kinda growing on me."

Bucky and Steve heard the drunken squawking stop, and they both poked their heads around the corner to see Peggy, standing in a blood red dress, with her makeup done flawlessly.

"Captain." She hummed and stepped forward.

"Agent Carter..."

She was completely overdressed for the establishment they were in, but Steve supposed that's why the music stopped. She did look beautiful, but he preferred green over red any day.

Millie wore a lot of green.

Bucky was completely enthralled by her as she stepped into the room, looking her up and down and smiling that charming Bucky smile he did so well. "Ma'am,"

Peggy smiled at Bucky and turned to Steve. "Howard has some equipment he'd like you to try, tomorrow morning."

"Sounds good."

Peggy turned to look around, and as she did so, Steve let himself glance at her up close. There was no denying that she was what every guy dreamt of, every guy except himself. That being said, he could still acknowledge what made her attractive without actually being attracted to her.

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