Chapter 8 - Golden Times

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Okay I feel bad for just leaving this in drafts, so here's the 8th chapter that I decided to just speed finish, we'll see if this gives me an idea on how to continue the story, if not, I am very very sorry!
Dream ran through the fields, his brother running behind him, struggling to catch up with his golden energetic sibling. "Dream, slow down!" The purple brother called out. "No way! The villagers are celebrating their village's 6th anniversary, no way am I letting us miss it!" Dream called back, this made his purple twin whine out in protest but he continued to follow the golden skeleton anyway. There was smoke rising into the sky over the hill, Dream knew that was the village, he just knew it! He was so very excited to see his friends partying and celebrating, the colours, the music! Oh how Dream had longed for this day! He had brought Nightmare along because he wanted his brother to have a break from reading and being all hunched over, looking all lonely. He knew his twin brother will love spending time with the villagers, he just needed to give them a chance!

Unfortunately, by the time Dream reached the top of the hill, it was like the whole world turned a charcoal black, the gorgeous blue sky became as red as blood. Dream couldn't do anything but watch as the town that housed his friends, burn. Fire everywhere, scrams and death flooded the bloodied and dusty streets. Dream stepped back, he couldn't believe what he was witnessing. He was trembling in fear, but what added to it was the terribly familiar dark voice behind him. "What's the matter, brother?" The cruel and wicked voice teased. Dream turned around and stared at the goopy figure that was standing behind him, their tendrils curling and twisting horribly in the air, awaiting for the order to strike Dream at any given moment. "Don't you like what I've done? It's my best work yet," the corrupt figure asked, still being a tease to the poor golden skeleton. Dream didn't say anything, he was terrified.

Dream made an attempt to run away, but he couldn't move his legs. He looked at them and noticed how they were ever so slowly becoming stone. Dream's soul pounded impossibly harder against his chest, like it was going to burst out of his rib cage at any moment. He didn't want to be stone again! It had been the worst thing to ever happen to him. Dream stared back at the negative figure in front of him, he opened his mouth to speak but a tendril was suddenly stabbed right through his rib cage, piercing his soul.
Dream shot up from the bed to scream but his mouth refused to make a noise, making his choke and fall back onto the bed, he coughed and choked for what felt like hours before finally calming down his thumping soul. Dream took deep breaths, his throat felt as if it was made of sand paper. After a long long wait to calm himself, the gold skeleton looked around the bedroom he was in, where was he? What has happened while he was asleep? Those are the main questions he desires answers for. Dream looked around the room using his eyes, not having much strength to move much of his body. He noticed how.. messy it was, clothes scattered around the place without a care, a few empty glasses on the bedside table beside him, he could also see what was obvious an empty bowl on a random chair at the corner of the room. Dream noticed he was still a taking time to fully wake up, so he just laid his head back on the pillow so he can take a bit more time to actually begin functioning. Dream's eye sockets went heavy, which made him fall asleep yet again.

A day passed, Cross returned with the king's clothing, Killer offered to take it to his majesty's room, so Cross let him do just that. Cross had a much more important thing to do anyway, a day felt like too long of a wait to see Dream again, but now he can finally check up on the slumbering golden skeleton. Cross opened the door and noticed someone struggling to stand up out of his bed. Cross quickly closed the door behind himself, the noise startled the golden eyed skeleton, making the smaller yelp then begin to cough. The monochrome guard was quick to catch Dream before he fell due to the sudden coughing fit, Cross took Dream to the bathroom connected to his room, so the small gold skeleton could throw up if necessary.

"N-No, hhhrr," Dream's voice sounded awful, all raspy and hoarse. Cross pitied the smaller, he would get a glass of water but he couldn't take Dream with him, "Hey, wait here, I'll be back with a glass of water, okay?" Cross promised, gently letting Dream hunch over the toilet before the guard ran off to get said water. Dream was so confused, why was Cross helping him? Weren't they enemies? Wait.. Had that been Cross' room?! WHAT IN THE NAME OF THE SUN WAS HE DOING IN HERE?! The golden skeleton gaged, it wasn't because he didn't like Cross, not at all, but he was feeling sick after getting all surprised and shocked. Dream did his best to stop himself, he wasn't sure if he really had anything to throw up, he hadn't eaten that day when he was fighting his brother in their last fight.

Cross walked past the living room where Dust and Horror were being all lovey dovey, the small murderer feeding the large cannibal whatever food he had gotten out on a plate. That wasn't important, what was important was getting water for Dream. Cross made it to the kitchen, pulling out a glass and going to fill it with water, should he put some ice to cool the water down? Probably, Dream deserves the best. The guard was successful in getting the glass of water, he then began his journey back to his bed room. He was expecting a certain void-eyed skeleton to pop up and poke fun at him, but strangely enough, there was no Killer, Cross wasn't sure if this was a good or a bad thing. He wasn't going to take this peace and quiet for granted though. When he returned into the room, Cross heard water running, so he went into the bathroom and saw Dream, rather pathetically, preparing a bath. "Dream, I have your water," the monochrome guard said oh so softly.

Dream looked over and Cross gently moved the golden guardian of positivity to sit on the toilet to drink the glass of water given. Cross then went to prepare the bath, would he have to help Dream with getting into the bath? He'd... unfortunately seen the golden skeleton naked during the quick rushed moment of saving him from a tied and drained state, but he'd never thought of anything unrighteous or lewd about the other only focusing on what needed to be done, so, that's what he'd do, he'd focus on what needed to be done rather than letting his thoughts flow. Dream finished his nice cool water, giving a satisfied sigh before going to speak, "——ss," woah... huh? Maybe he should try that again. "——ss," Dream blinked in confusion before the cruel answer dawned on him, he was MUTE! What had happened to have caused this?! How much had he screamed during those long agonising moments?! He'd completely destroyed his voice box!

What made it worse was those soft, whispered noises were hushed by the found of the bath water running, Dream frowned, he was.. so upset, his voice was one of the main things he used to help people, words were strong, but now he couldn't speak such words! Dream couldn't even make a sobbed noise as he broke into tears, silent crying was so strange and ominous, at least he made noises when he inhaled sharply. This caught Cross' attention, going to immediately be by Dream's side. "Dream, are you okay? Are you hurting still? Here, let me help you into the bath then go for water. Dream was quick to reach to this, he wasn't letting Cross see him naked! Dream grabbed the empty glass and shoved it into Cross' hand, before getting up and shoving the guard out of the bathroom. Well, Cross was doing as Dream wanted, in the golden skeleton's current state, he didn't have much strength at all. Dream then went to finish up the bath, after having closed the door behind Cross. The monochrome guard didn't know what to do, so, he just went and cleaned up his room, after all, he best get the place looking amazing for Dream. Dream deserved the best.


So yeah, that's what happened in Chapter 8
Again, I am unsure if this will be continued or not so this story is either not continued or just paused.

Either way, I hope you enjoy this chapter! All we can really do now is pray I get motivation, huh?

If Nightmare turned into his passive form [Corrupted Multiverse edition]Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant