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If anything sending out that letter to theé Regulus Black made Isabelle nervous. It was like it was going to Hogwarts for the first time all over again.

Except with a lot more fear.

There was rumor going out and about saying that Regulus Black was a Death Eater.

Despite the fact he was only 16 going on 17.

If anything when word got back to Sirius he was completely livid. Saying such horrid things about his own brother. Something's she didn't expect coming out his mouth. It took Remus and James a whole week to calm him back down.

So doing stuff like sending out letters to a possible death eater kept Isabelle on her feet. But she doubted that he was one but even if he was one she bet it was by force.

So lost in her endless thoughts of train she didn't even notice James enter the bedroom flats door. That was also something that happened.

"Belle. Belle. Belle?" Janes called but no response as he starred at Isabelle looking out the window that was placed above a desk that they both would regularly use to write on.

He walked over to her as he placed his hand around her shoulder and kissed her on the temple breaking her out of her train of thoughts.

"Oh sorry I didn't even notice you were here," as she looked at him.

He chuckled into her hair as he proceeded to look back down at her making eye contact before going on again to talk to her on what he originally wanted to say.

"Alright then didn't notice I was a chopped up liver, but I came here to tell you that sadly I was called in for order meeting."

That was a lie. It was for something else.

She rolled her eyes and let out a big sigh as she stood back up as she looked at him in annoyance.

"Why." She whined as she leaned into James when he came to her side and wrapped his arms around her.

"I know, but I'll be back my dark. I promise." He said as he looked down at her before kissing the crown of her head.

As Isabelle went on.

"Very well then you better not break that promise or I'll gut you like a fish." She said as she followed him to the front up to the doorway to say her farewell.

He laughed as he bent down to kiss her on the lips at same time he was putting on his jacket. Both laughing into the kiss.

When they separated James put his hand on her cheek before saying his final goodbye.

"I love you Isabelle."

"Don't say it like that."

"Like what,"

"Like your going off to war and never coming back. I hate it." She said with grunt.

As they stood on each side of the door.

They chuckled as Isabelle went on.

"I love you too." She said before kissing him one last time before he finally made his departure in one poof.

She smiled to herself as she made her way back to the bedroom looking besides the main room they slept in to the room next to it. The room where she imagined a little James sleeping in.

She cringed as she thought about it.

She was still yet to have that conversation with James. But before she could go any further with anything she heard pecks at the window of the kitchen.

She wondered, as she made her way to the window. To her expectance she did see a owl. But it wasn't an owl she recognized.

It was a Black owl. An owl that seemed very expensive and beautiful.

She opened the window as she let the creature in as she quickly fetched some treats before grabbing the letter and fed the animal before proceeding to open the letter as the owl awaited.

Dear Isabelle

I was pleasantly surprised when I received your letter. May I say I'm touched as I'm being open right now, no one in many years or possibly never in my lifetime have said something so genuine and heartfelt.

I will be very much pleased to meet you formally. Though I don't think I want to do it in a public area. Perhaps somewhere more private? How about on the next hogmeade trip? Send me a letter when you can.

- Regulus Black

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