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While both James and Sirius were doing something somewhere without telling anyone.

The rest of the squad except Peter were back at the Potter manor talking, when suddenly they heard a 'pop' and the sound of James and Sirius bickering at the front door.

'No. you tell them.'

'No you go, they'll think I'm delusional'

'Exactly, so you go'

'Fine' James said with a hmp before entering the manor. Only to be met with bewildered looks from the group.

He also took notice that Peter wasn't at the manor.

"Where, we're you guys," Said Lily with a frustrated look.

"It's almost sun down, and you know there's a lot of people out for your necks." She said hands on her hips.

"C'mon Lil's, we just wanted some fresh air, instead of doing boring stuff." Sirius said with a wave of his hand.

"She was a point Sirius,"said Remus arms crossed.

"Fine, you party poopers. we won't go anywhere without telling anyone." Sticking his tongue at Lily which she replied with a eye roll.

"Where's Peter?" Asked James.

"Oh, he came over earlier," Lily said

"Something about how his dog was sick?" She said but it sounded more as a question.

"Peter has a dog?" Marlene said.

They all looked at each other, but silently letting it go, before James and Sirius finally brought up their whole encounter with the 'crazy' Lady.

"So she said some random voodoo, gave you crystals and finally threw you out of her crazed home?"

"Rubbish." Marlene spoke getting a smack from both Isabelle and Lily.

It looked like Marlene was bickering with herself, Remus was thinking hard, Isabelle was looking around the room as if something was going to give her an explanation, and Lily lastly what looked like to be also having a debate in her head.

While that was happening James and Sirius took it upon themselves to finally break everyone from their thinking and give them the assigned crystals.

"Let me guess this is for protection?" Marlene said.

"Yes, and please keep it on you Marlene." Sirius said, pleading.

"Fine, I will for you only."

"Does Peter have one?" Asked Remus.

"Um I wasn't given any more, nor did she mention him at all." James said.

"Oh alright?" he said suspiciously as it came more out like a question.

"He probably isn't going to get hurt." Giving a reason to let go why Peter wasn't considered.

"Okay well I think I'm going to go to the muggle library to figure something out." Lily said standing up.

"I'll go with you." Remus spoke also standing up.

Everyone shook their heads, before Marlene and Sirius stood up and quickly said 'they had something to do' before leaving. Remus and Lily right after.

"Okay well it's just us, are you okay." Isabelle asked.

"Yeah, just nervous is all." James said.

"You known you can tell me anything, right." Looking at the side of his face.

"I guess its just the fact the lady freaked me and,"

"Peter he was given no crystals or he wasn't even mentioned. "

"Maybe he didn't need any..." She said

"Do you think we should tell Dumbledore."

"We'll tell him at the next meeting privately."

"But-" He was quickly cut off when Isabelle slapped her hand over his mouth.

"Okay I think you need to go to sleep,"

"Yeah, I think I'm just over thinking." He said before they both stood up and walked up stairs to James room.

Once they changed and were laying in bed wide awake in the darkness.

They faced each other just silently scanning each others faces before James bluntly asked a question.

"Do you ever want to get married."

"Yeah, I do."

"Even... without your parents?"

"I don't care, I never really liked the idea of my father walking me down the isle anyways and handing me to another male as if I'm just an object,"

"Or the fact that you have to ask the father for permission to marry you, its like your asking to keep or borrow an item which I'm not."

"Hm I've never thought of marriage like that." He said humming slightly nerves cooling down.

"Okay lets get some rest." She said before snuggling in his chest.

"What abou-"


"Sorry. Goodnight."

And they slept blissfully that night not aware of the future night terrors.


Okay hoped you liked, not my best chapter i also feel like it's too short, I'll try to make the next chapter more longer. but anyways lots of love - missy

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